The Mafia Leader 2 (Part 2)

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I submit my last homework assignment for some easy, filler class before laying back on Nikolai's bed. I had a full schedule today of class and studying so I guess it was for the best that he went to work anyway. I talked to Hayden and she didn't need to be convinced to like him since she's seen how happy he's able to make me. I'm ignoring his line of work for now. If we turn into something long-term, I'll have to figure out if I'm okay with dating someone who kills for a living. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

It's 10:00 PM and he's still not back yet but he's been texting me periodically throughout the day so I know nothing's wrong. I move my laptop to my nightstand and get up to turn off the lights. I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed.


I wake up to the bed moving and then feel wet hair tickling my cheek as soft kisses are being laid on my neck. I smile before turning around and snaking my arms around him, too tired to open my eyes. He rubs my arm before placing kisses on it.

"Hi, Nikolai," I whisper.

I feel him smile against my skin. "Hi, beautiful."

"How was your day?" I mumble, already so close to falling back asleep.

"It was fine," He whispers, "Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I didn't mean to wake you."

I run my fingers through his wet hair. "Did it rain?"

"No," He says, softly, "I took a shower. Goodnight, Juliette."

I smile. "Goodnight."

I easily fall back asleep.


I wake up on Nikolai's chest. I look up at his face and he's still asleep. I lay my head back down and slide my hand to his chest, tracing a tattoo of his. A human heart with daggers stabbing it. I love his art. I love going over the lines of them even more. Whoever his artist is did an amazing job. They all look like he just got them yesterday.

A hand running through my hair makes me look up. I'm met with a smile and a soft, sleepy gaze. I smile back. "Morning."

He grins, laying his head back with his eyes closed. "Morning, Juliette."

I sit up on my elbow as he folds his arm under his head. "Who's your tattoo artist?"

He meets my gaze. "Why? You want some more?"

I already have a few tattoos but I'm not nearly at the level he's at. I have a poppy under my boob for Hayden. It's simple and looks like a sketch. I have a butterfly on my hip that has a bit more detail. Some simple and small branches with leaves accenting my collarbones. A couple of sparkles behind my ear. And then the French town I'm from, Vézelay, above my elbow on the back of my arm. They're all delicate, simple tattoos. A complete contrast to his style.

"I'm just curious. Yours look really good."

"You think so?"

The sight of him so relaxed is doing something to me. I nod before putting my arm on his chest and then resting my chin on it.

"She's a few streets over," He tells me as he rubs my back, "She'll tattoo you for free."

I glance at a few more of his tattoos before meeting his eyes. "I don't know. Her style is a bit more intense compared to what I already have."

"You don't like it?" He teases.

"I like it on you," I clarify, "It suits you."

"Yeah?" He mumbles with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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