Chapter 5

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The next morning Princess Aisha woke up to the sound of soft knocks at her door. She rose from her new bed, wrapped a robe around her and opened the door revealing an older woman.

She bowed deeply. "Hello Princess Aisha. I've been sent to wait on you. My name is Hilda."

"Hi Hilda, please come in."

Hilda entered the room and took the princess in. She was a very beautiful woman. She examined her appearance and physique and found no flaws about her. Her exotic features were not like the women of Pantoran.

"I've come to help you get ready for the banquet in your honor tonight. I shall bring hot water to run you a bath."

"Must we get started so early?"

"Oh yes your majesty. Today is a very important day for you and the people of Pantoran. You shall be formally introduced as Prince Atticus' betrothed. It is a big day indeed."

"Well then I guess it is not too early to start then. But I would like to eat before we get ready. I am famished. I realize I slept through the night without dinner."

She gasps. "Your majesty! I shall get on it right away. Excuse me," she says departing from the room hurriedly.

Just as Aisha closed the door, a soft knock rang through her room. She slowly opened it to reveal Atticus. He was dressed in casual clothes. A tunic and comfortable pants.

She was a little surprised to see him at her door so early, but she thought about her Father's words and decided that this was good.

"Good morning Princess."

She beamed at him with a dazzling smile. "Good morning Atticus."

"I hope your first night here was good. I did not see you come to dinner last night."

"I guess I was so tired after so many weeks on the ship. Sleeping in a bed on solid land was much needed for my body. But I feel like a new woman this morning. I am so excited for today."

His eyes lit up at her words. He wanted her to love her new home and he would do anything to make her comfortable.

"And thank you so much for making my room so inviting and comforting. It reminds me of my home. You are a very kind man for going out of your way to think of this for me," She said batting her eyes at him.

His breath caught in his throat as he thought of what to say to her. Her alluring eyes had stopped his brain from forming words. He took the moment to take her in. Her robe tied close to her waist and he could not tell if she wore undergarments or not.

His eyes drew up to her face again. She was beautiful, even first thing in the morning.

He cleared his throat. "I would do anything to make your stay here enjoyable. And trust your family was a huge help in creating this surprise for you."

They stood there in comfortable silence staring at each other with bright smiles on their faces.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me?"

"Yes I would, but Hilda has just run off to get food for me."

"I will go to the kitchens then to arrange for both of us to have breakfast in the green house garden and send Hilda back."

Aisha bowed lightly. Atticus took her hand and kissed her knuckle.

She closed the door behind him and leaned against it trying to slow her heartbeat. Atticus was a lot different than she had anticipated. If she wanted to hate this place, he had made it hard so far. Atticus was charming and attentive. He made her heart race in a way she had only experienced with I'ekae.

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