Chapter 6

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Aisha and Atticus re-joined the dinner just as everyone began taking their seats. At the head table the King and Queen sat in the middle, Aurelius and Axel on their mother's side and Atticus and Aisha on his father's.

The room quieted down as the King rose.

"Thank you for all coming here tonight. I am happy to announce Prince Atticus' betrothal to Princess Aisha of Mardalia."

The pair stood together as the room erupted into applause and guests rose from their seats. There were a few whoops from the men and pounding on the tables.

"Let us make a toast." Everyone grabbed their goblets. The King looked to Atticus and Aisha. "May your wedding be blessed, your union bring peace, and your efforts be fruitful."

The room full of people laughed in unison. Aisha hurriedly sipped her wine as her face lit up at the king's suggestion. Atticus smiled at her.

"Now drink and eat!"

They all sat down as servers began pouring in to set down their first course. The table was alive again with conversation and laughter.

Aisha was sat next to an older fellow, who could barely stop himself from replying to anything she said.

"You've got a funny accent," he said to her.

"Oh, well I am not from Pantoran, I'm from Mardalia."

"That would explain your appearance."

"Oh please don't mind great Uncle Levi. He has been senile for many years. He says whatever comes to his mind."

Aisha smiled. "It's okay. He hasn't said anything particularly rude and I appreciate his candor."

"One thing about it, I can't tell a lie. Back in my day you couldn't get a bride from some other nation. You had to choose from what you had. And back then, the women wasn't that pretty." He stuffed some food in his mouth full of missing teeth. "I would've done the same as you Atticus. Get me a pretty foreign lass."

Aisha choked a little on her drink and burst into laughter.

Aurelius heard the sound from beside his father and could not stop himself from peering over at her. The sound that came from her voice was like music to his ears.

"I am flattered by you Uncle Levi. You have truly made me laugh."

Uncle Levi glanced at Atticus and winked at him, sticking his tongue out of a gap where a missing tooth was with a silly grin.

"It's my pleasure to sit next to such a pretty woman. The least I could do is make you laugh."

They all continued dining and talking. The more Aisha drank the more comfortable she became and Helga was right, warmer.

By the time dessert came out, music was playing full swing and some people had gotten up to dance.

"Would you like to dance Aisha?"

Aisha peered over to where others were dancing.

"I don't know your dances."

"I shall teach you. This one is not hard. What do you say?

"I can never say no to dancing."

He got up and pulled her chair out and lead her to the dance floor where people were dancing lively.

"Follow my lead," Prince Atticus said grabbing one of her hands and placing the other around her waist.

They began their dance stepping left twice then right, left twice then right, forward, backward, spin her around, then repeating the motion.

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