Chapter 8

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Back at the castle, the halls were alive with movement.

The Queen stood in the midst of the chaos relishing in the excitement and giving directions to servants.

"Please make sure all of our guests are comfortable, do not leave them until dismissed," she orders.

Aisha has Nef's things brought to her room.

"You shall sleep in here with me, like back at home," she said excitedly to her sister as she lead her to her room.

The servants were already in the room unpacking Nef's things and adding them to the wardrobe.

"When do I get to meet your betrothed?"

Aisha wasn't sure where Atticus was at the moment.

"He will make an appearance soon. He's the heir, you know how it is."

Their older brother had lived a life of duty and service. They had first hand experience about oldest son's and their duty to the throne.

"Who would've thought you would have married a Mosi, sister?"

"Who would've thought? An eldest brother, eh," she says ,"but so far it works."

"So tell me about him. He must be amazing because you are no longer sad. You have not mentioned one word about," she looked around the room then leaned in to whisper, "I'ekae."

"I know." She sighed.

She looked at Aisha with big eyes. "So what has changed?"

Aisha sighed again. "Being here has changed my mind. Atticus is so sweet, Nef. He wants me to like it here so much, that he does anything to make me feel welcome, special, and comfortable. He actually makes me feel like this might not be so bad if I let myself fall in love."

She shrugged. "Additionally it is the bed I have found myself in and I want to make it as comfortable as I can. Pining over I'ekae isn't going to make my life here pleasant."

"That is very wise sister."

There was a knock on the door.

"May I come in?" It was Atticus.

"Yes you may, Atticus."

Nef looked to her sister with a wide-eyed grin, as she straightened herself and adjusted her tiara.

Atticus walked through the door, with a reserved smile on his face and something little wrapped in his arms.

"Prince Atticus, this is my little sister, Princess Nefertiti."

Nef did a low bow and beamed a smile at Atticus. "It's nice to meet you."

Atticus bowed too and smiled. "I have been anticipating your arrival for a while now. Your sister has missed you dearly," he said giving Aisha a once over. "I also come bearing a gift."

Aisha perked up and got up to receive what was in Atticus' arms.

"Oh not for you, Aisha. This is for the Princess."

Aisha scoffed. "But I am the princess!"

He chuckled then smirked. "You are not the only princess here now. This is for the youngest Princess." He extended the wrapped thing out in front of him. It wiggled under the blanket.

"What is it," Nef asked curiously.

Just then it's little head popped out. It was a puppy!

"Oh!" Nef yelled surprised, then she melted into an "aweeeee."

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