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Months have passed and now it's been already more than 3 months since their breakup. Although they would seem like they are doing great on the outside, they aint actually. Yes. They are now leading their own lives separately but both of them are still struggling with their emotions. While one feels lonely and hopeless, the other one was trying so hard to move on.

Back then, after their breakup, Zee felt completely lost, he barely had energy to even get up, he spent days and nights in their bedroom where Nunew's scent was still lingering. His heart ached every single minute, reminding him of their old memories. He was not himself for a one whole week that he did not go to his work. But after that week, Zee came to work happily like nothing had happened which kind of made his friends shocked and worried at the same time. Especially Max, who knows the whole story.

"Dude, wht's going on?'' Max worriedly asked Zee making the other one to shrug his shoukders.

''What do you mean by what's going on? I'm just here to work?'' Zee replied nonchalantly which literally confused Max and made him think ''if this Zee is the ''Zee Pruk'' he knows.

'' Are you really fine Zee, Nu-'' Zee suddenly cut off Max's words and Max understood the assignment. He noted ''Zee is now in the phase of really moving on.''

''Alright'' Max smiled ''If something happens, let me know''

''Ofc Max, I will '' Zee then patted Max's houlders, assuring him not to worry.
Since that day, Zee has completely changed, in many ways. He no longer cries every night like he used to. Instead, he pretends to be over the moon. Actually, Zee is a person to just rest at his home rather that partying or going on. But now he parties almost every night and become a total different person. He goes to the clubs and hit on the girls and even dated some for some few weeks. He's barely home.

In fact, he just doesn't want to stay at home, at their home where they used to spend time together, where they used to hug warmly, where they used to do everything together. It hurts like hell. So, he decided to move out from that house where the memories are still alive and he bought a condo nearby.

On the other side,

Nunew's health is getting worse day by day, he gets thinner and thinner,  and he barely has any strength to lift things, not even his body. He needs assistance from someone to eat, walk or get up.

Nat knows everything about the whole truth. He is the only person who Nunew tells the truth since he is his trusted person and best friend. However, this whole thing makes Nat sometimes frustrated.

Although this is the path that Nunew himself chooses, what kind of bestfriend would want to see ur friend suffer. Nat knows that Nunew used to cry secretly at night and he would wake up with puffy eyes almost every morning. But he had to pretend like he did not notice. Nat had to hold his urge to disclose the truth. Ofc he has to be loyal to his bestfriend, jelly. So, he couldn't help but to keep the secret. Nonetheless, he will still try his best to convince Nunew....to let Zee know the actual reason behind the breakup.

''Jelly'' Nat called, almost like a whisper.


'' Do u not regret this?'' Nunew immediately gets what Nat is trying to say.

''Just sometimes but I still think this is the best option'' Nunew smiles weakly. Lying. He is totally lying cos his face is expressing that he's regretting. So bad.

The room went silent for quite a while. They both sit in silence, yet a comfortable one. Until Nat breaks this. He is thinking so hard whether it's good to tell Nunew or not.

'' Zee is dating with some girls.....from the random bar. P'Max told me''

Nunew let out a laugh, confusing his best friend. ''Nat, you don't really have to always walk on eggshells when u're around me. I know you're pondering so hard to tell me this. I'm okay''

''But You're not actually'' Nat slightly raises his voice at Nunew, making Nunew's head hang low, his eyes now only focusing on his legs.

'' I know Nu, you're still crying over him even though it's you who made it this way.'' Nat sighed '' You should tell him''

''No I won't. This way is still better'' Nunew is adamant with the choice he made so Nat couldn't help but to say nothing.

After some time, Nunew initiated a conversation again.


''Can you help me with something?''

'' Sure?'' Nat replied wondering what is it.

'' Here'' Nunew pulls a drawer which is beside his bed.

'' I don't know when I'll be leaving so before anything happens..''

Nunew was cut out '' Don't say this Nu. You still have a chance. Why are you always like that? Being all discouraged. You're making me mad Jelly''

''I'm sorry.....please give this letter to Hia''

''But only after my death, please'' he begged his bestfriend who is sighing for countless times. "I'm sorry if I'm burdening you Nat''

''No u're not Nunew, I just don't get why you always think like that. Maybe you're just so nice. You definitely are. I will help you Jelly.'' Nat then takes the letter which is neatly tied with a string.

''Thank you''

'' If you really appreciate everything I did for you, just promise me that you will get through this no matter what''

'' Of course'' Nunew's lips slightly curved up. He has to promise his bestfriend though he's not sure he would make it till the end. He has to undergo a surgery after a few days and yes, tbh he is scared. He also wants to live. He also wants to spend every single day and night with his loved ones. He's not ready to go. Thinking about all of this makes Nunew's eyes watery.

Well, Nunew will get a surgery in a few days🥺 Fighting Babyyy 💪🏻💪🏻 Will he make it tho...? 😭 I guess in next chapter, nunew will undergo a surgery or not....Not sure 🤭🤫 (a lil spoiler for you guys) Thank you for reading. Hehe feel free to comment and vote 💞

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