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Zee doesn't even walk pass from their house, far from going back. He's also dating one of the girl he just met from the bar. He dated her since she seems to click well with him; just to replace "HIM". He isn't serious with that girl at all.

Zee now feels much better, he's healing these days but not completely, he's still in the phase of struggling. And, he hasn't heard any updates regarding about Nunew lately. Nunew used to be active on social media but he stopped uploading last month. Most of the posts are about the dates with his new boyfriend but it does not affect Zee that much anymore, compared to before. But he still thinks about Nunew and wonders why he stopped uploading, it's just that he is just simply curious what's Nunew's been up to.

Days passed by and it's almost the day when Nunew had to undergo a surgery. Only three days left and this makes him nervous and overwhelmed that he feels like he wants to see his hia for one last time. Coz he doesn't know if he will get to see him later. Just once is enough.

''Nat, I want to see....Hia'' his voice lowers as he mentions Zee.

''Why? All of a sudden?''

'' Nothing..it's just...''

''Okay Let's go. Wait but I have to call P'Max first to know where they are'' he looked at the clock and continued ''It's the lunch time so they must be together, I'll just call P'Max''

''Thank You'' Nunew feels all sorts of mix emotions knowing that he's going to see Zee. He feels thrilled to see his ex after a while but at the same time he feels sad, realizing they can't be together.

Nat called Max and asked where they are now but not mentioning anything about them coming.

'' I've changed my mind Nat.''


'' just seeing his figure, his back would do''

Nat sighed. '' Is it too hard for you Jelly?'' he sounds sad. '' Anyway, it's up to you''

They then left the hospital and went to where the older guys are. Nat has to help Nunew with everything, he has to push the wheelchair for his Jelly as Nunew is not in a state to be able to walk. He's so vulnerable and weak.

They arrived at their destination and as expected Zee and Max are having lunch at the cafeteria.

" He looks handsome as always'' Nunew smiled and whispered very sofly that it is almost inaudible. His heart clenches as he stares at Zee's back. "I'm sorry, Hia'' he quietly apologizes, without the older guy knowing.

''Nu, I have to at least say Hi to them since it would be more suspicious if I don't and they saw me. Just stay here and I'll be back'' Nunew nodded as Nat walks towards Max.

Since Nunew covers his face completely with a black mask and a black hat, no one would be able to notice him and plus, he's in a wheelchair so they would not know for sure because Zee did not know about his condition. So, no one would recognize him.

''Hi P'Max''

''Oh Babe, how come u're here''

'' I-i just no it just happened''

'' You're so tense babe, wht's wrong are u not well?'' Max asked worriedly touching Nat's forehead to see if he's sick.

''No I'm okay P' ,so, I have to go now since I still have to meet my friend''

''Oh okay then see you''

Zee laughed at Max after Nat had left

''What did u do him that he even stuttured talking to you lol''

'' You assh**le what would I do?!''

Zee turned to where Nat was walking to wave at him and he saw Nat pushing someone's wheelchair.

''Max, I think his friend must be sick''

Max looks at the direction where Zee was looking and he nodded in agreement. Just before he averted his eyes, Nunew took off his hat and there, Max noticed immediately that it's Nunew but he's not quite sure since they're now a little bit far away from them. But it looks really like Nunew. However, he shook off that thought by saying that he must be mistaken and chose not to tell Zee. Because why would Nunew be in a wheelchair?? That does not make sense cause Nunew has always been a healthy person. Otherwise, Zee might get false hopes, right? But what Max did not know was it's actually Nunew.


''How did you feel Jelly? After seeing Zee?''

'' My heart flutters '' he smiles at his answer. '' He still has that charm to make me go flustered''

'' Ofc dummy, coz you still love him, don't you?''

Nunew did not reply. He had no idea how to respond that. It's true but he does not want to admit that...coz it makes him feel bad and remorseful for leaving Zee. He is such a worse fiancé for Zee.

" Now that you have already seen Zee, please, please fight this illness with everything you have. No, at least please stay alive for me na.'' Nat cries saying the last phrase. He could not imagine losing his only best friend Nunew....

'' Don't Cry na I will , you're making me cry too'' finally Nunew let out all the emotions he has been keeping in one go. The sadness, the disatisfaction and regret, everything. The two besties hugged in a hospital room and comforted each other while crying for one hour straight.

One day before the surgery,

Nunew gets up in the morning but he does not feel great at all. His head feels heavy and he gets a severe headache that he can't even sit up. But, he has to get up since he want to go to the bathroom but Nat has not arrived yet.

He tries his best to get up, due to his weak body, but he fainted, not being able to make till the bathroom.

The nurse who comes in after a few minutes spotted Nunew on the floor and called his doctor and Nat.

'' Hello? Is it Khun Nunew Chawarin's friend?''

'' Krub. What's wrong with my fri?'' Nat is worried that something might happen to Nunew but it already happened.

'' Please come to the hospital as soon as possible. Khun Nunew Chawarin has fainted and we transferred him to the ER and the doctor said that we need a legal guardian to sign for his surgery''

(A/n: I'm sorry I don't know anything about medical stuff and their process so if I made a mistake, please kindly understand 🥺)

Nat now panicked and he does not know what to do. He is so scared that Nunew might actually die. The only thought that came in at that moment was to dial P'Zee although Nunew told him not to tell Zee. ''But this time it's important. Zee must know.'' he thought and quickly called Zee.

After a few rings, Zee picked up. Before Zee could say anything Nat asked Zee to immediately come to XX hospital.

''Hello P'Zee. I'm sorry to tell you this late. I'll explain to you later but could you please immediately come to the hospital please please be quick'' Nat was panicking and sobbing.

'' Wait Wait but why?? Zee was confused but he picked up his car keys and do as Nat says. '' Calm down, i'll be there in a few minutes but please tell me what's going on'' Zee calmly asked Nat.


''What!!'' ''Tell me what's with Nunew'' he almost yelled at Nat out of shock.

''He's now in ER and someone needs to sign for an emergency surgery and you must do..''

Zee hanged up and drive at the highest speed to reach the hospital. His heart is beating so loud and fast, being afraid to lose Nunew again.

''Please Nu, please hang in there'' the tears in his eyes almost blur his vision.

Okay, Zee's gonna find out 😭 But it's good that he finally knows..... Thank You Nat for being a supportive bestfriend. And Thank you guys again 💖💞

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