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Following a series of ecogical disasters and global conflicts, modern civilization was pushed into extinction except for North America which was later renamed as PANEM.

The centeral government shifted to dictatorial rule with the Capital as its central and 13 districts each proposing certain economic services like jewelry ,coal mining, electronics etc in exchange for protection provided by the Capital army called Peacekeepers .

These peacekeepers were known for brutally enforcing the people to work without care for their well-being

This culminated the outbreak of the first rebellion led by district 13 which was the center of military industry

But, in under three years the rebellion collapsed with the apparent destruction of district 13.The remaining districts were forced to sign a Treaty of Treasonen forcing a harsh peace on the defeated districts, as well as instituting a sadistic annual event known as the Hunger Games

Public executions and whippings, severe restrictions on civil rights, and mass surveillance became widespread throughout Panem in the following years. The outlying districts were also effectively quarantined from one another, with all inter-district travel and communication banned.

For the next seventy-four years, the districts endured continued oppression and humiliation at the hands of the Capitol through the annual occurrence of the Hunger Games. Despite the Games intended goal of snuffing out future insurrections by reminding the District's of the cost, the Games only acted to further increase rebellious activity in the populace that gradually built up over the decades.

People were waiting for any chance or excuse to ignite another rebellion

Heaven is Falling (The Hunger Games x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now