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Dawn is breaking through the windows. The Capitol has a misty, haunted air.Slowly, I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. I punch buttons on the control board and end up hopping from foot to foot as jets of water too cold and too hot assault me.

When I’m dried  I find an outfit has been left for me at the front of the closet. Tight black pants, a long-sleeved burgundy shirt, and leather shoes.

Haymitch didn’t give us an exact time to meet for breakfast and no one has contacted me this morning, but I’m hungry so I head down to the dining room.Haymitch and Katniss come in, bid me good morning, fill their

My mind stars to wander in thoughts
about my family. Gale must be up by now probably hunting alone to feed not just our but Katniss's family too.
Just two mornings ago, I was home. Can that be right? Yes, just two.

What did they say last night about my fiery debut at the Games? Did it give them hope, or simply add to their terror when they saw the reality of twenty-four tributes circled together, knowing only one could live?

Maybe I'll never know

When Haymitch has finished several platters of stew, he pushes back his plate with a sigh. He takes a flask from his pocket and takes a long pull on it and leans his elbows on the
table. “So, let’s get down to business. Training. First off, if you like, I’ll coach you separately. Decide now.”

“Why would you coach us separately?” I ask stupidly.
“Say if you had a secret skill you might not want the other to know about,” says Haymitch.

I exchange a look with Katniss.
"We plan on teaming up during the games, so what's the point in hiding stuff." Haymitch's surprised reaction makes me realize this is the first time we've mentioned about teaming up.

“You can coach us together,” I tell Haymitch.Katniss nods.
“All right, so give me some idea of what you can do. Katniss I already know you’re handy with a knife,” says Haymitch.

“Not really. But I can hunt,” she say. “With a bow and arrow.”

“And you’re good?” asks Haymitch.
“I’m all right,”Katniss says.

“She’s excellent,” I say
"She hits every single squirrel in the eye. It’s the same with the rabbits. She can even bring down deers.”

"So can you!" Katniss says abruptly
"He is as good as me with an arrow, even better with a knife I've seen him throw it at animals feets away from us and not miss!"

Why is she yelling!

“Well, then.Well, well, well. Katniss, there’s no guarantee there’ll be bows
and arrows in the arena, but during your private session with the Gamemakers, show them what you can do. Until then, stay clear
of archery. Same applies for you (Y/N)." says Haymitch

"Are any of you good with snares or traps?" Haymitch asks

"He is" Katniss says pointing towards me"“I know a few basic snares,” she mutters.

“That may be significant in terms of food” says Haymitch.

"The plan’s the same for both of you. You go to group training. Spend the
time trying to learn something you don’t know. Throw a spear.Swing a mace. Learn to tie a decent knot. Save showing what you’re best at until your private sessions. Are we clear?” says Haymitch.

Katniss and I nod.

“One last thing. In public, I want you by each other’s side every minute” says Haymitch.

OK... I guess. Neither of us object it.

"You will be together, you will appear amiable to each other. Now get out.
Meet Effie at the elevator  at 10 for training.”

Heaven is Falling (The Hunger Games x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now