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The moment the anthem ends, we are taken into custody. I don’t mean we’re handcuffed or anything, but a group of Peacekeepers marches us through the front door of Justice building .
Once inside, I’m taken to a room and left alone.

It’s the richest place I’ve ever been in, with thick carpets and a velvet couch and chairs. When I sit on the couch, I can’t help running my fingers over the fabric repeatedly. It helps to calm me as I try to prepare for the next hour. The time allotted for the tributes to say goodbye to their loved ones. I cannot afford to leave this room in tears. Crying is not an option. There will be more cameras at the train station.

My family come in first.I immediately leap from my seat to hug Rory and Vick.My mom comes up and ruffles my hair. We stay like this for a few minutes until I notice.
"Where's Gale? " I ask
"He wanted to speak with you alone"
My mom replies.

“We’ll be all right,(Y/N),” says Rory, clasping my face in his hands. “But you have to take care, too. You’re
so fast and brave. Maybe you can win.”

I can’t win. Rory must know that in his heart. The competition will be far beyond my abilities. Kids from
wealthier districts, where winning is a huge honor, who’ve been trained their whole lives for this. Boys
who are two to three times my size. Girls who know twenty different ways to kill you with a knife. Oh, there’ll be people like me, too. People to weed out before the real fun begins.

“Maybe,” I say, because I cannot tell them  to carry on on if I’ve already given up myself. Besides, it
isn’t in my nature to go down without a fight, even when things seem inevitable . “Then we’d be
rich as Haymitch.” Vick points out“I don’t care if we’re rich. I just want you to come home. You will try, won’t you? Really, really try?” asks
Rory. “Really, really try. I swear it,” I say. And I know, because of them, I’ll have to.

"Mom when will (Y/N) come back" my
four year old sister Posy asks, probably too young to know  what the hunger games are and too young to know that her brother is walking to his death.
"I'll be back in a few weeks dear" I lie.
"Aw fine, but I'll miss you"She says while trying to hug me with her baby hands".Now I'm really in the verge of crying.

And then the Peacekeeper is at the door, signaling our time is up, and we’re all hugging one another so hard it hurts and all I’m saying is “I love you. I love you all.” And they’re saying it back and then the Peacekeeper orders them out and the door closes.

Then, Gale walks in. We immediately hug each other .

"I'm so sorry I should have volunteered I froze when they called your name that-"
"It's fine." I cut in "Even if you had volunteered I wouldn't have accepted it.Both sides have to accept in order for volunteering to work." We both fall silent for a while. Gale speaks again

“Listen,” he says. “Getting a knife should be pretty easy, your really good with it so that’s your best chance.But if you can find a bow. ”

“They don’t always have bows,” I say, thinking of the year there were only horrible spiked maces that the
tributes had to hit one another to death with.

“Then make one,” says Gale. “Even a weak bow is better than no bow at all. With a knife for close combat and a bow for far ,your odds will be way better.You have seen me make traps for smaller animals but you can try that in the arena not only to catch food but also other contestants.”

"But most importantly stick with Katniss. You both make a perfect hunting duo and you can easier trust her not to betray you. "

"You do realize that only one of us can make it out alive."I ask not because I don't trust Katniss but because I don't trust myself.

Heaven is Falling (The Hunger Games x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now