Chapter 14

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The next day was calm.

For Andra, at least. Her day at the Jardin Gris was simple, with a few customers (all of whom adored seeing Landon in a cute giraffe onesie) that all made significant purchases.

Ryan had come by after his shift (which was also pleasant, as it always seemed to be when Cami was working at the same time) and they'd gone out for ice cream before arriving in Algiers to train the vampires on behalf of Marcel, who was happily aiding Klaus in torturing Kol Mikaelson.

"Here, you have to turn your body like this," said Ryan, placing his hands on the waist of Gia, one of Marcel's vampires. Andra and Josh watched curiously from the opposite end as Ryan leaned over her shoulder, whispering something in Gia's ear. The woman blushed, before attempting the kick he'd been teaching her.

"Is it just me," said Andra, "or are those two flirting?" She noted the way Gia placed her hand on Ryan's shoulder as he praised her technique, leaning abnormally close to ask for more advice.

"Oh, they've definitely been flirting," said Josh. "Ever since he started coming by to do the training sessions, they've had this tension."

"Hmm. What are the chances of me convincing Klaus to let Landon and I crash at his place for a night? To give those two space to do whatever they want?"

"Um, probably close to zero. Why would you even want to? There are better options if you're going to sexile yourself. I'm sure Marcel would not mind some company here."

"Well he has one abnormally large room with one bed and two uncomfortable couches neither Landon and I will enjoy. The Compound has like a billion rooms, Klaus doesn't use most of them."

"Good point." On the inside, he cursed, figuring he could have nailed two birds with one stone.

"I wonder if Mikael will find it weird," said Davina that morning, after Josh had sneakily informed her of his suspicions when Marcel came back from Andra's apartment looking abnormally pensive. "Two daughters and Marcel has or had the hots for both of them."

"And if we find out more about Andra, we'll see if both of them have the hots for him too," replied Josh. "Ryan asked me yesterday if Marcel was dating anyone. He's either a great wingman and getting ahead or Andra has already hinted at liking him. I mean, this guy only went to apply to Rousseau's so he could ask Cami about Marcel and see if they still had a thing. And then he asked her if she knew if he still liked Rebekah or not. He wouldn't do that unless...?"

"I don't know. Ryan seems the type to just flat-out ask these things out of curiosity. And Andra flirts with everyone. It's funny but it's hard to tell when she means it. Though, I don't know if it's just me, but I think she flirts with Marcel the leastout of everyone. Could that mean something?"

"Maybe. She might not even know she's doing it. I would have to know her better to say for sure. I just want Marcel to be happy and it's obvious to me, at least, that he feels something for her. He's always talking about her. And whenever he has free time and isn't visiting you, he's visiting her."

"I see it, too," agreed Davina. "He trusted her to come and get me when I was supposed to move into the Compound. He likes knowing that we're getting along, he likes that I have a good relationship with her. I don't know if he's fully realized it yet or if she's even begun to think about it but I can see it happening and I like the idea of it. They'd be good for each other."

"So, we set them up. Somehow."

"Nobody can know, though. Well, maybe Ryan. But nobody else, not even Cami. She will one hundred percent tell them. I mean, she told us about what Ryan came asking about."

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