Final Author's Note

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That concludes Valor.

Thank you to everyone who stuck with this story! I didn't anticipate ending it so soon but I was thinking it over and made the decision for several reasons.

One, I didn't want to continue with the angst of The Originals Season 3 or what comes after in Seasons 4 and 5 because I wanted Marcel and Klaus to end with a good relationship. I wanted Marcel to have that, for Andra to have helped him have it. If I'd continued, all of that could have been for nothing.

Two, I had an idea for angst that was almost too good to pass up. I was thinking that somewhere in Season 4 or 5 when The Hollow is a problem (most likely Season 5 so Hope would be older and closer to becoming a tribrid), that Andra would make the impulsive decision to take The Hollow into herself then jump into the Malivore pit to get rid of it, after which she'd have expected Hope to use her tribrid blood to kill Malivore. Andra and The Hollow would have been expected to die, but Hope would have pulled Andra out at the last minute and restored everyone's memories of her.

While that sounded cool, I realized Marcel would never have forgiven her for it. Though it would have fit her constant desire to fix things and to think ahead, to try and defeat all her enemies, I don't think he would have actually forgotten how awful it would feel to know she was willing to risk losing all their memories together just to help Hope. Don't get me wrong, further development of the story would have shown Marcel having a great relationship with Hope, but I don't think he and Andra could have recovered from it. Thus, I had to pull the plug and ensure the happy ending was trulyhappy. Marcel and Andra both deserve that.

Andra was definitely one of my favorite OCs to write. And this story is one of my favorites, too. It was a lot more chill than past stories which is why I'm satisfied leaving it this way. I hope you all enjoyed it, too!

Now, without further ado, my last (hopefully? This is about to be my 4th one lol) Klaus Mikaelson story, Dispersora, is now available to read on my profile!

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

Valor | Marcel GerardWhere stories live. Discover now