Ch.1 | Ghosts Behind my Eyes, and in my Sleep

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(If you haven't re read the prologue please do, That only applies to the people that read it before it was updated. Lots of the old information is inaccurate and has been corrected)

Two figures stand on a hill above a bloody battlefield.
Neither wanted this war but their people demanded it, forcing the two to fight.
The younger drops to his knees writhing in agony from the torture of his enslaved people.
Horrified by what some of his people have done, the younger asks the older to kill him and end the misery and suffering of his people.
The older brother's cheeks are wet with tears as he also drops to his knees, crying for his younger brother.
The younger goes limp as cracks start to form across his face.
Union screams as his little brother starts collapsing in his hands.

The younger speaks his finale words,

"I love you Union, live a good life, for the both of us."

The C.S.A. becomes nothing more than dust in America's hands.

Present Time:

America wakes up with a start, panting as he looks at his hands, trying to calm himself down. "I'm not there, that was centuries ago. ᵢ'ₘ ₙₒₜ ₜₕₑᵣₑ..." America rubs at his eyes, flicking away any leaked tears.
America quickly changes into a NASA hoodie and some black jeans, America rushes to grab his sunglasses and run out his bedroom door after he notices that it's 6:47 am.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Im so going to be late! Oh Shit, I need to feed my kids!" He rushes down the hallway and slides to a stop in front of New York's room.
"Apple! Can you get breakfast ready for the little ones?! I'm going to be late for work." America calls through the door. *He's normally awake at this time, well... more like he hasn't fallen asleep yet*
"Sure Pa," New York opens the door and gives America a quick hug before he heads down the hall to wake the rest of the original 13.
"You're a lifesaver Apple!" America calls as he flies down the halls and stairs, landing in the kitchen were he leaves a note for his younger states to find. Once America left a few notes on the chores that need to be done he runs to his office and grabs his paperwork and briefcase. America then jogs out the front door to his truck. America hops in and starts the car, he barely remembered to tuck his feather charm under his shirt before he hit the road.
*Driving with wings is so uncomfortable. Why did the UN make it a rule that winged countries couldn't fly to work?! Oh yeah because "It is unprofessional, and rude," like him yelling at countryhumans that get on his nerves is any better.* America rolls his eyes and gets ready for the hour long road trip to the United Nations building.


Once America arrived at the United Nations building he took a deep breath and got out of his car.
"America! Over here!" came a shout from the doors. "Come on, we're going to be late!" Japan now can be seen holding open the door pushing America to rush up to the doors.
"Good morning Japan! What have you been up to?" America falls into step next to Japan as they make their way to the meeting room. "Well I got South Korea to agree to go on a date with me! I also overheard the UK talking about a family getting together so be prepared!" Japan lists as she skips next to America. "Uuughhh, what's with the UK and always trying to get the family together?! We're all adults, we don't need to talk every other day" America lets out an over exaggerated sigh, peaking an eye open to see Japan trying to stifle her laughter. "But ignoring that mess, I'm so happy for you! How long have you been trying to get to South Korea on a date? I can't remember," America smiles and nudges shoulders with Japan.
"Oh, it has to have been two years by now! He was so dense that he only realized that I wanted to date him when I outright said it to him. It was sooooo unromantic!" Japan lays a hand over forehead and lens against America forcing him to stop walking. "That does sound frustrating, but-" America was cut off by a shout from down the hall.
"AMERICA! JAPAN! GET IN THIS MEETING ROOM THIS INSTANT! YOU TWO ARE NOT GETTING OUT OF THIS MEETING!" UN shouts from the end of the hallway where he's standing with all four of his wings spread, making him seem larger.
"Gez who pissed in his coffee this morning. WERE COMING UN!" Japan yells as she stops leaning on America and starts jogging to the double doors that the UN is standing in front of. America runs after her while trying to stifle his laughter as to not give the UN anymore reasons to be mad. The UN glares at them as he dramatically turns around and walks into the meeting room with Japan and America following.
"Ok, let's get this meeting started now that no one is missing." the UN sighs and walks up to his podium signaling for America and Japan to take their seats. "Does anyone have a pressing topic that we should touch on before the standard check in?" the UN asks as he sorts through some of his papers looking up when he hears someone cough and raise their hand. "Yes India?" the UN is slightly surprised about there actually being something important happening.
"Well... I was talking with my prime minister when he brought up something particular. He was looking through some texts from the Travancore kingdom library when he found this really old diary, It was written in Tamil and seemed to be Kingdom of Thiruvithamkoor diary. I took the book and looked through it. Most of it was insane ramblings and unreadable words but near the end of the dairy there was one page that was neat and was legible. It talked about how to revive a fallen country, it looked like Travancore Kingdom knew he was going to fall soon and he was writing down the way to bring him back. I brought the book today because if this revival rituale actually works it would change everything we know." Everyone was silent as India finished speaking and brought out a falling apart leather bound book.
"Well that's not what I was expecting but I'm glad you brought this to my attention India." The UN nods in India's direction, still seemingly trying to comprehend the information just given.
America had gone deathly still as India talked. When the Kingdom of Thiruvithamkoor was under the British Empire's rule America had listened to a few of their insane ramblings. He didn't believe any of the Kingdom of Thiruvithamkoor's ideas would come to fruition, but that book India was showing the UN said otherwise.
America raised his hand, "Kingdom of Thiruvithamkoor? He was able to finalize one of his ideas? He only wrote them down when he knew they worked because he hated wasting space in his book." America sat their mulling over this information not noticing the looks from the other countryhumans.
It was the UN that spoke up, "United States of America, what do you mean "He was able to finalize one of his ideas"? How would you know him?" America looked up and saw the confused looks on the other countries' faces. "I mean he was occupied by the British Empire for a little bit? It was kinda hard to not interact with someone I had to share a house with for a few years." America looked even more confused for a second but soon it hit him why everyone was so confused and he started to giggle. "Di-id yo-u gu-ys seriously forg-et I've b-een aroun-nd since before the fall of the Empires?!" America bursts out laughing when some of the older countries start to remember.
"Oh mon Dieu, je suis un idiot..." (Oh my, I'm an idiot...) France drags her hand down her face, her wings twitching behind her in annoyance. "I revolted because I saw how well revolution went for you, how could I have forgotten!?" France exclaims, obviously mad at herself.
Canada smacks his head into the table mumbling under his breath, "We were colonies at the same time! We even had multiple squabbles before I became my own country." The UK is just looking at them too very confused, because yes they are step brothers but the U.S. couldn't be that old. "What are you two talking about? His ears are pinned back and his tail is lashing back and forth, showing how little he likes not knowing information.
"Dear, America was around long before you manifested," France sighs and places her hand on the UK's shoulder. "But he acts so irresponsible! America how old are you?" UK turns his accusing eyes to America's laughing form. America lets out a few more giggles before answering, "I believe it's been 414 years since I manifested, 169 of those years I was a colony." Before anyone else could continue, the Republic of San Marino called attention to itself. "Hmm, if what little union is saying is correct then we have an issue on our hands. Dead manifestations can only interact with historical objects and I'm unsure if that book counts as one. There are several dead countries that should stay dead but there's also some that deserve a second chance." the Republic of San Marino got on top of the table and started pacing, "Another question we should ask is what happens when the country that died comes back? Does the dead country just exist?" The UN stands and places a hand on the Republic of San Marino's shoulder, "Thank you for your knowledge, Republic of San Marino, but I do believe that to know the answers to those questions we will have to use the ritual. The real question is which dead country we should revive, we should probably try an older country."
At those words many countries leap up and start fighting over who should be revived. America leans back, not joining in on the chaos. Over the noise a few voices could be heard. Germany was asking for his sister, East Germany, to be brought back. Unlike Germany's quiet request, most of USSR's children were shouting that the USSR should be the one brought back. The UN finally gets tired of all the chatter and yells "SILENCE! All of you! To determine the one we will be reviving I will be going down a list and if you DON'T want that Country revived then you raise your hand, I will keep tally. Now Republic of San Marino, could you get the artifact that lists all the dead countryhumans?" The Republic of San Marino nods and hops off the table and quickly goes through a side door. "Now while we wait I will lay out some rules. You are not allowed to vote no for every countryhuman, and fighting once the decision is finalized is prohibited. Do I make myself clear?" UN glares at the country's present until they all agree. America has started panicking, because UN would notice the scratched out name on the relic, and America could not afford for people to start getting curious. The Republic of San Marino finally re-enters with a few stone tablets, he then hands them to UN and sits back down on his stool. The UN glances over the names, "let's start, Portuguese Empire, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, USSR, Swedish Empire, Dutch Empire, British Empire, French Empire, Ch'ing Dynasty, Austrian/Austro-Hungarian Empire, Brazilian Empire, German Empire, Japanese Empire, Italian Empire, and... a scratched out name... I will have that investigated, moving on from that the country with the least tally's is..."

-To be continued-

[Hello! First chapter done, if I was wrong about anything please right it in the comments! The extent of my research is google so it probably will be inaccurate, but! I want you guys to comment on which country you want revived as it's not set in stone yet!]

(Word count- 2026)

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