Ch.3 | Hell Seems Less Scary When Compared to a Parent's Death Glare

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[So... Idk really, all the other chapters needed a little blurb at the top but this one so far doesn't need one... so you know...🧍🏼]

[I have a Blurb! So the original 13 call America Pa, while the rest call him a mix of Papa, Dad and the words for dad in their secondary language, like Hawaiian or Spanish.]


A figure sits next to a few beds reading a story to thirteen little kids.
One of them interrupts the story, "Pa how did we come to be? And why will you not let us outside the woods?" The eldest askes. "Hmm, I think y'all are old enough to know where you came from. If you want to hear the story that is" The father chuckles at the children as they all clamber out of bed to sit around him. Union takes a breath before he starts,
"Before y'all were born my name was Thirteen Colonies. I had recently run away from my own father and I was hiding in this exact cabin. This cabin was a lot more run down back then but I made due. I eventually found my mother Native America and she taught me about our duty as countryhumans. I lived with her for most of my childhood, learning essentials to survival. It was the day you came about that changed everything. For the week before y'all came about I was dealing with immense pain from my back-"
"Was it your wings Pa?" Union chuckled at the interruption. "Yes it was my wings, but I'm not there yet Apple!" New York pouted at the nickname but demanded for the story to continue.
"Continuing from where I was interrupted, I was helping my colony with their attack strategies for their revolution when I heard from a messenger that British Empire had attacked my mother and was coming for me next. I heeded my peoples warnings and I hid in this cabin. As the sun started to rise on my wings burst from my back and from the scattered down feathers you thirteen were born. And ever since then I have raised you in this cabin."
Rhode Island raised their hand, "But if you've been with us since we formed, how do you know when our country will be free?" "Well the US is already free, but I'm waiting for Russian Empire to send back a letter telling us when he will be in the Americas next so that he can smuggle us to his Empire. Once y'all are out of harm's way I will officially rejoin the other contryhumans. I'm also going to have a BIG house built right here while we're away, It will have a huge fence so that we will be safe."
Maryland flops into Unions lap, "But Pa! We don't know Russian Empire! Why should we trust him?" Union just laughs and starts braiding Maryland's hair, "You might not know him but I do. He helped me during my countries revolution, annnnnd~ he hates British Empire just like me and French Empire." The rest of the states grumble at that response but they decide to ignore it for now and instead focus on doggy piling on top of Union. They all fall asleep laughing and in good spirits.

Present Time:

America lands on the porch of his mansion, dropping Texas and Florida in the process so that they face plant into the wood. After America lands Delaware rushes out of the house and tackles America into a hug.

"Pa! Your back! Come on, the younger ones are refusing to eat because you weren't here for dinner!" America lets out a small smile as he hugs Delaware back. "Ok! Ok! I can help but I need you and the other thirteen to get these troublemakers inside in a place where they can't escape their punishment." Delaware lets go of America and gives him a salute before he picks up both Florida and Texas and throws them over his shoulders. Delaware then runs back inside with America following him.

America walks to the dining room where he can hear Maryland trying to get the younger ones to eat. "Come on New Mexico, it's your favorite, please eat Pa. It's going to be home soon. You don't have to wait for him." America walks into the dining room. "Yeah New Mexico, listen to your older sister." All the younger states quickly turn around so that they can see america. Once they confirmed that it was indeed America, they all jumped from their spots and crashed into him. "Dad!" America somehow didn't fall from the impact. He then gives all the little states hugs. "Thank you Maryland, I can handle it from here. Can you gather the Louisiana purchase states and the states that wanted to stay hidden?" Maryland nods before giving America a quick hug. "Thank you Pa, I'm guessing Texas and Florida are with Delaware?" America nods as he slowly gets the younger states to go sit around the table so that they can eat their dinner. "You would be right in that assumption." Maryland sighs before she heads out to go get the states America asked her to get.

America turns towards the younger states, "Now why were you youngins giving crabcake a hard time? You know that the original thirteen are in charge while I am away." America cocks his head to the side while putting his hands on his hips. "I know we normally eat dinner together but there's an issue that came up at work, meaning I won't be able to make it to dinner for however long it takes to solve.

Oklahoma and Arizona pout up at America, "But daaaaaddddddd, we miss youuuuuuu!!!" Arizona whines out as she clings to America's pant leg. America shakes his head with a fond smile as he crouches on the ground to give all the little ones a proper hug. Utah places Northern Mariana onto America's back. His wings fluff up by pure instinct to keep the kid safe. America does eventually stand and he shoos the little ones back to their now barely warm dinners, handing Northern Mariana to Montana.

With the younger states placated America walks to the living room where the assembled states reside. Texas and Florida are sat in two chairs back to back with their hands tied together using an old jump rope. Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota all stand on Texas' side obviously glaring at him. Hawaii is cuddled up on the couch with Alaska, California sitting next to them tapping on her phone.

With a deep breath America speaks, "I am unsure if Texas or Florida was seen-" America gets cut off by the roar of angry noises coming from the distressed states. America spreads his wings high above himself as a way to call for silence. "As I was saying- I don't know if they were seen but if they were I will hear about it tomorrow. Now, if they were seen then U.N. is going to force my hand on introducing you guys to everyone... I know that many of you wish to not be known and I wish your re-introduction into the world wasn't stolen from you, but there is nothing we can do now." With a deep breath America picks up Hawaii and continues his speech, "Florida and Texas will be properly punished and I want everyone here to have a vote on what kind of punishment."

The night goes on as the states scheme on what punishment should befall their brothers. America is talking with the original thirteen who were not directly involved as a way to pass time. Eventually, at 9:51 pm, the states decided that because Texas and Florida might have ratted them out to the rest of the countries, It would be Their job to introduce all of the states. If no one saw Texas and Florida then they would be stuck on dishes duty and animal duty for a month.

Satisfied with their work the states trickle out of the living room to go to bed. Texas and Florida are released from the chairs of shame so that they too can go to bed. With a stretch of his arms and a flap of his wings America is also ready to sleep. Up in his room he changes into boxers and an old ratty sweater that had seen better days. A small eagle holding an obsidian coin is hand embroidered on to the front. 

This sweater used to have an exact copy that R.E's mother, Tsardom of Russia, knitted herself as her stamp of approval on their marriage.

R.E's dust was buried with his copy of the sweater right next to where his mother had been buried a few years prior.

With memories of better days playing on loop America finished getting ready for bed. Laying in bed, all alone, causes America to unconsciously hold the pair of rings on his necklace close to him. Seeking lost warmth that they used to bring. With troubled thoughts America falls asleep.

[Haha! completed this chapter! Turns out all I needed to do to get inspired again was watch and read god awful attempts at this trope! Anyway~ have this chapter as a treat for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem's release tomorrow!]

[Final word count -1546]

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