Ch. 2 | Grief is Hard to Hide When It's Sorce Stands Infront of You

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( Quick update! The reason why America acts more affected by C.S.A's death then Russian Empires death is because He was able to properly morn Russian Empire's death unlike C.S.A's death. And well he was a child for one of the deaths and a young adult for the other. )

[ Also The extra long flashback is a treat because it was my birthday when I started writing this ;) ]


Two hands held together, up on a balcony where they couldn't be seen. Two forbidden lovers staying together despite the odds against them. The younger leans back into his lover's arms as he looks to the stars.
He sighs and asks the other why they must hide, and the older responds, "Your father is already quite mad at me for helping you with your revolution, I don't want him to punish you for loving me."
The older leans down so he's resting his chin on the younger's head, earning a chuckle and a playful swat. The younger pulls out a necklace with an eagle down feather and a gleaming gold and silver ring to fiddle with as he talks.
"I think my dad would only care because of the military advantage he seems to think I'm getting from being allies with you. And to that I say let him know! If he believes I'm getting military support from you he might even leave me alone for a while."
This earns I snort from Russian Empire. Causing Union to look at his fiancé with a wide smile on his face. Union starts to lean upward to give Russian Empire a quick kiss, only to be interrupted by German Empire rushing onto the balcony.
"Russia! Something's happened! Austria-Hungry started to crack!" German Empire doesn't even notice that Union is standing on the balcony as he grabs Russian Empire's arm and drags him back into the palace. As Russian Empire is drawn away he gives an apologetic look to Union before he gets back on his feet to start sharing concerned whispers with German Empire.

Present Time:

    Before UN could continue Americas phone started ringing. "Uh, UN? Could I take this?" America asks with a little bit of panic in his voice. "If you believe that it is an emergency, then yes you may take it, but go outside first." UN sighs as America nods and rushes out of the room. UN shakes his head "Ignoring that, the fallen country with the least amount of votes is Russian Empire." Many countries start complaining about who was chosen but UN ignores them and calls India back up to his podium so that he could see the ritual. "India, I want you to translate this book into English, French, Russian and Chinese." India nods before rushing out of the room to his office in the building. "Everyone but the superpowers are dismissed" as the rest of the countryhumans file out the door UN sits down and motions for the countryhumans that remain to move closer to his podium. UN then had a smaller version of the meeting that was originally going to happen that day.

A Few Minutes Before:

     Americas phone loudly rings, bringing everyone's eyes to him. America felt like his blood turned to ice when he heard the ring tone. He shakily raised his hand and asked UN to let him take the call. Once America got a nod he rushes out of the room. As soon as he was out of the meeting he answered the call from DC.
     "DC! What happened!? Did something happen to the little ones!?" As America bombards DC with questions he speed walks to the elevator.
     "Dad! Florida and Texas left! I know that they are adults, but they never work together! And Maryland says she heard them betting on how long they could hide at the UN building before they were found! And Hawaii overheard and she's panicking and not letting go of Alaska! Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, and parts of Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Wyoming are all fighting and calling Texas over and over again. The original thirteen are trying to calm everybody down but it's not working, and somehow Puppy and Kitten got out of their inclosed swamp, and Florida isn't here to get them back and Louisiana is wrestling with the alligators so that they don't attack any of the other states and-"
     America quickly gets out of the elevator on the roof, he opens his wings and takes a few experimental flaps before he jumps off the roof and soars through the sky.
     "DC I need you to calm down. I will deal with Florida and Texas, what I need you to do is get Hawaii on the phone. Then I want you and the original thirteen to get all the states upstairs away from Puppy and Kitten. Can you do that?" America opens up Texas' and Florida's contacts so he could get their locations, "Thank you Dad," over the phone America can hear DC talking to someone. Then the other voice gets loud enough for America to hear sobbing and hiccup filled breaths.
     "Papa! I-I-I- my-y *hic* I'M SCARED PAPA!!" Hawaii starts wailing and Americas heart breaks hearing his youngest's cry's. "Hawaii, kuʻu lā liʻiliʻi (my little sun), I need you to breathe, she's not there. Ka lā (sunshine) I need you to tell me five things you can see"
      "A-alas-ska, *hic* my-y lei pua (flower crown), t-he woo-od in th-e hearth, the ph-hone, Nanu..." Hawaii shakily responds. America then asked Hawaii to list other things she can hear, touch, smell, and taste. As Hawaii calms down America flies to the park in front of the UN building. America can hear Nanu, Hawaii's pet Kohana cat, purring. "Are you ok now Ka lā?" Hawaii says yes at the same time that America spots Texas' in the bushes. America says a quick goodbye to Hawaii before he dive bombs from the sky so that he crashes into Texas.
     Texas let's out a squeak as he falls back, Florida also let's out a shout of surprise from his hiding place behind a different bush. Both look up only to be met with a hard blank stare from America, neither can see America's eyes because of his sunglasses.
     "Texas Lone Star State, Florida Sunshine State, what in the ever loving FUCK do you think you two are doing?" Americas sunglasses slide down a little letting Florida and Texas to see Americas black eyes full of fire. They look at each other before Florida starts to speak, "U-uh nothing..? We were just out on a walk Papá..." Florida cringes when he's still met with Americas cold stare.
     America sighs before he pushes his sunglasses back up, he then grabs Texas and Florida by the back of their shirts as if he's scruffing a kitten. America then flies back into the sky with Florida and Texas flailing in his hold. It's a silent flight back home.

Back In The UN Building:

     Russia is very bored, her bear ears twitch in annoyance. France and China were the two fighting currently and Russia couldn't be bothered to listen to them, *America is one lucky bastard, he gets to not attend this stupid meeting* Russia feels it's unfair that America gets away with so many things while she has to follow the rules to a T so that she doesn't destroy her reputation. Russia slams her head into the table getting everyone else's attention. "черт возьми (for fucks sake), can this meeting end? We aren't going to make any progress on making any decisions! I-" Russia was about to continue ranting when she saw out the window America diving from the sky.
     "ебать (the fuck)?" The other superpowers notice where Russia was looking and saw America disappear into the trees in front of the UN building. UN stands obviously irritated "What is America doing? I only gave him permission to answer his call not go out for a flight!" UN walks over to the balcony, that was put in just for him, so that he could also take to the skies to reprimand America.
      Before UN could even open his wings America shoots out of the forest but this time there are two people that he is holding, because of the speed that America was moving no one could see what they looked like. "美國攜帶什麼 (Who is America carrying)?" China asks from his seat next to Russia. "I would like to know too" Britain asks. UN just sighs and rubs his temples " Nothing can go to plan can it?" UN mumbles under his breath as he goes back to his podium  
     "I do not know, but it will be looked into, now you are dismissed. Another all countryhumans meeting will take place instead of the scheduled superpowers only meeting, which will be pushed to Sunday at the usual time." The superpowers nod before they pack up to leave.
     Once they leave UN pulls up the small intercom that is in the cubby of his podium.

"EU, NATO, and ASEAN, report to the meeting room for an emergency Union only meeting, I repeat, EU, NATO, and ASEAN, report to the meeting room for an emergency Union only meeting"

UN puts the intercom away as he waits for his fellow Unions to join him in the room.

[Ok this chapter is a little shorter, buuuut next chapter is going to be focused completely on America! Also here is the countryhuman work schedule!

[Ok this chapter is a little shorter, buuuut next chapter is going to be focused completely on America! Also here is the countryhuman work schedule!

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I have also now updated the prologue with the dates of each chapter and flashback!

And~ thank you to the two people that voted for Russian Empire to be the countryhuman that gets revived! I was hopeing he was the one chosen! Also if any of you are wondering why Russia is a girl then let me remind you of this saying.

"Mother Russia"

When I joined the fandom I thought of Russia as a boy until I saw someone pointed it out! I didn't make the full switch until I stoped shipping America with Russia and instead shipped him with Russian Empire! (I'm also very attracted to Russian Accents and I'm into girls, so you know)]

[Word count 1700]

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