how they met part 2

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As school goes by a women walks into the class handing a piece of paper to the teach. The teacher looks over the name on the piece of paper before looking up"Lexi Salvatore it would seem that the police request your presence"the teacher says causing the class to turn there heads towards Lexi who just raised a pierce eyebrow before getting up as she grabs her bag.

She makes her way out of class heading to the office not before bumping into Sidney"oh shit I'm sorry"she apologized before quickly getting back to class.

Lexi just continue forward into the office before she was escorted to the room where they were interrogating everybody.

"Please take a seat"Dewey says politely as Lexi takes a seat as she leans back against the chair while crossing her leg over the other.

The sheriff clears his throat "so I know your new hear but I noticed you live not to far from the house where a girl and boy were slaughtered last night."he starts of with.

Lexi looks in different "so"she said as the two look at her in disbelief at her lack of care.

After some time she left the office as she met hope outside as they walk past a huge water fountain where a group of kids sat launching around as they eat amongst them selfs one of them was billy who was secretly glancing at Lexi as she and hope walked past them.

He was thinking about making them targets as he and Stu shared a look.

It was silent before Stefan lunged at billy but was hold back by Klaus and Elijah as Rebekah laughs at the deadpanned expression.

"Dad knock it off you ain't gonna do shit"she deadpanned as Stefan gaps at his daughter in disbelief while there family laughs.

So later on that night before he would attempt a attack on Sidney he and Stu are shown in front of a house as they hide behind a tree."so how are we gonna do this"Stu hums with a smirk.

Billy looks up at the bedroom window where music was coming from "I'll sneak into the house through the window while you distract her with the call"billy sums up as they nod there heads.

In the room a low glow is shown as soft jazz music plays while Lexi can be seen humming as she was in nothing but her bra and underwear with her dark green silk robe hangs on her arms. She sets at her vanity as she brushes her hair.

Some whistles can be heard as Stefan and the male mikaelson glare at the males while Lexi smirks at Billy's red face as she remembers what happens as she silently laughs to her self as well as hope.

With her vamp hearing she hears two heart beats smelling the familiar blood of billy as a slow smirk graces her face oh was this gonna be fun as she skillfully climbs up the wall as she hangs up side down waiting.

Her phone rings on her table for a couple of times. Soon a very confused ghost face walks into the room from the hiding spot from the hall closet as he tilts his head.

Lexi took this time to drop on to him as he falls to the ground with a thud in his back. Lexi straddled his waist as she holds him down by his neck neck as she smirks."well hello there billy"she says making the man freeze underneath here as she snatched the mask off.

Billy stares up at the women on top of him how the hell did she know it was him before going bright red realizing she was only in her bra and underwear while wearing a dark green silk robe as he stares at her chest.

It was slient before Lexi and hope bust out laughing at his facial expression while billy looked nervous at her farther and uncles who were to calm in his opinion.

Stur leans slightly over to billy"if I were you I would run man"he whispers to billy who nod his head quickly as he runs just as her father and uncles chase him while Lexi laughs leaning on her mother who was laughing as well.

Just then a high pitch scream is heard before a screaming Stu flew past them smack into the closet as hope walks into the room dusting off her hands with a proud smile. Lexi then looks back down at a very pale billy"now why do we have a cup of tea and talk"she says as she gets up of Billy who stares at her dumbfounded as she and hope walk out the room with smirks as he and Stu share very confused looks on what the hell just happened.

After being chased and Heavily lectures billy plops down beside Lexi"I'll be honest I was very confused on what the hell happened I mean I wasn't expecting that at all"he says honestly as he was panting from running.

Lexi smiles shakeing her head at boyfriend. On the other side of the room there kids watched there parents with smile but soon frown knowing in a couple of movies alote of hurt break and death will happen.

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