Chapter Six

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November 5th, 2027

'If you don't want to talk, that's fine. If you don't want to stay here, that's fine. I'll help you get your own place so you never have to see that bastard again. Just please reply to this text so that I know you're okay.'

Haruto let his cell phone drop into his lap. He was sitting in bed, and Renjiro was pacing the floor in front of their bed talking quickly into his own phone. Haruto drew his knees up and rested his elbows on his knees. He pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes and tried very hard to not cry. San...why won't you talk to me? What did your papa do that you can't trust him at this time?

Haruto frowned deeply. He was scared for his son. After everything he had gone through to keep San safe and to give him a good life...the universe seemed intent on making San suffer. It seemed that no matter how hard both Renjiro and him worked to give their son a happy life, he was still in pain. And the most recents event—accidentally draining Shuei and being confronted by Kazuhisa—pushed San to his breaking point.

I thought he could finally be truly happy. Shuei-kun, he—I know that San loves him. And with how passionately Shuei-kun defended San after the draining incident I know that Shuei-kun loves him back. I just know everything would have been okay after a bit of time if that bastard—

Haruto couldn't stop the tears. He pressed his lips together as to not make a noise and began to quietly weep.

"Nothing," Renjiro fumed. He was almost ready to throw his phone. "There hasn't been any sighting of him, and they're not picking up pings from his cell phone. San must have installed a blocker or something on it. It's 2027!" he shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls. "How can the authorities not find my son in 2027?!"

Haruto let out a harsh gasp, drawing Renjiro's attention. Renjiro finally noticed his husband's demeanor and rushed to his side, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry," he said, softening his tone. "We'll find San, Haruto. He hasn't left Japan, we know that much."

Haruto clung to him, trying to stop his tears. They sat in silence for several minutes holding each other. Renjiro closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "I...tried to think that this was inevitable," he said quietly. "San is nineteen, after all. I know he'd either want to stay at Kōsaten after graduating or move out on his own. But for him to disappear like this. To leave without telling us and not talking to us..." a single tear slid down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. "We'll find him," he said again.

"What if INOCHI finds him first?" Haruto asked painfully. His voice was muffled against Renjiro's shoulder.

"INOCHI is keeping their distance after their last stunt here. Besides, San can handle them better than we both can."

Haruto turned his face towards his neck. "...Sometimes I wish," he murmured.

"You wish what?" Renjiro asked him.

Haurto shuddered painfully. "I wish—I could give you a child."

Renjiro stiffened violently. "That I could have given San a brother," Haruto continued. "If I could do that, then maybe—maybe San wouldn't have felt so alone. And I—"

"I have a son," Renjiro interrupted him. "You have a son. San is our son; our child. Maybe San could have done with having a brother, but I don't need more Haruto. I only need my husband and my son. I only need you two. And I hope that are enough for you."

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