Chapter Eight 🔥

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The bag slipped out of Shuei's hand and fell to the ground. He didn't immediately notice. San was several meters away sitting on the sand, facing the water and seemed to be watching the Sun descend in the sky.

Shuei was suddenly aware of his own exhaustion. He didn't have the energy to scream in rage or burst into tears. But he did have the energy to surge forward and run towards San. He reached the other young man's side quickly, standing over him and being raggedly. San didn't flinch at his arrival, but turned to look up at him with his cold, beautiful eyes.

I found him. I found him...

For several long moments they stared at each other, the tension thick and almost making the air crackle. Finally San spoke first. "You look like shit." His tone was low and nonchalant.

Shuei snapped his teeth, and his stare turned into a glare. "I ought to knock your lights out," he rasped.

San looked away. "If it will make you feel better, go ahead. I deserve it."

Shuei's breathing evened and he dropped to his knees on the sand beside San. Then he did the one thing he'd been desperate to do since San first disappeared. He threw his arms around San and held him for dear life.


Shuei smelled like the complementary soap the ferry's gave, along with slight body odor. The way he clung to him...San could sense fear and possessiveness in his touch. It was the first time they had touched since San had nearly killed him. San wanted to close his eyes and simply relax, but he couldn't. He tried to nudge Shuei away from him, but Shuei only hung on to him tighter. San sighed quietly, and turned his head away slightly so he could speak. "Are you going to let me go eventually, Shuei?" he asked.

"Not if it means that you're going to run away from me again," Shuei said feelingly. "We haven't said a fucking word to each other in two weeks! Do you know that?!"

"We're spoken since."

"You know what I meant!" Shuei let him go and sat down fully on the sand. He was glaring but there were tears in his eyes. "Do you have any idea how worried you've made everyone?! How worried you've made me?! I've seen more of Japan than I've ever experienced in my life looking for you!"

"Why would you think I would head to Hokkaido in the month of November?" San asked him. "It's freezing on that island this time of year!"

"I'm aware," Shuei said through gritted teeth. "But you were hiding from us and Wakkanai is the northernmost city in Japan, a-and it's far away from Kyoto! So I thought you were there!"

"If it was the middle of June I may have gone there. But your wandering wasn't necessary, Shuei. You didn't need to look for me because I didn't want you looking for me. It would have been better if you hadn't come at all. Shuei, you—"

"Fuck you, kono yarō!" Shuei suddenly screamed, startling San. Shuei slammed his fists hard against the sand before burying his face in his hands. His shoulders began to shake as he started to cry.

"Hey," San said quietly, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He reached for Shuei with a gloved hand, but stopped before fingertips could touch his shoulder. He drew his hand back. "Shuei—"

"Touch me, you bastard!" Shuei hollered. He lashed out and grabbed San's hand, pulling it back and pressing the palm against his cheek. A cross between a growl and a wail rumbled in his throat and Shuei tore his glove off.

Emotional Plague (Estrangement Syndrome 2) ✅Where stories live. Discover now