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I tossed and turned all night, I couldn't get any sleep until it was already sunset. His face was all I could see with my eyes closed, and this fact embarrassed me. I hated that feeling.

Next morning

I got up and looked in the mirror and even I was scared of myself, I looked scary. My undereyes were black and swollen and my face was bloated. I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower. When I came down, I couldn't find him anywhere. I went to his room to check but he was nowhere to be seen and I wondered where he was. And then my phone rang, it was him.

"Are you awake? You can take a leave for today. No need to come to the office." and he hung up.

I was not OK with this, I hated him. I came to hate him and it was all his fault.

That night

"The AC is not working in my room, can I crash here tonight?"

I was in my room all day, I didn't respond to his few phone calls, I didn't see him all day. He kept knocking on my room's door but I didn't answer it, I didn't actually realize why I was ignoring him but I just wanted him out of my sight. But now he stood a few centimeters away from me and looked at me with those beautiful, big hazel eyes.

"Do you want me to sleep in your AC-less room? Fine, afterall it's your house." I picked up my phone from the side table and was about to leave the room when he grabbed my arm gently and said , "You don't need to leave your room."

Few minutes later, I was sharing my bed with him, for the first time ever. My heart was about to explode, I was trying to sleep but I was trembling with nervousness. I wanted to know if he was already asleep but didn't have the guts to even open my eyes, I didn't dare to face him.

Almost an hour went by and I was still awake, his presence next to me was still makeing me feel restless. I wondered how he looked while sleeping so I turned to have a glimpse of his beautiful face.

** Suggestions and critical remarks are appreciated. Thank you

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