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~Later, the same day~

Harry, Cisco, and I were in the work room creating some new tech. I was completely freaking out on the inside whenever Cisco looked Harry's way. I'm probably just losing my mind... He doesn't suspect a thing... Right?

Suspect. Crap. I forgot to tell Barry about what I realized.

"Hold on. I have to make a call." I excused myself from the room.

Harry instinctively asked, "Who are you calling."

I played it off as best as possible and just replied with, "Wouldn't you like to know."

Once I was far away enough, I got my phone out and clicked on Barry's contact.

Fast Boi🏃‍♂️💨

Ring... Ring... Ring...


"Hey Barr. You okay? You sound bothered."

"Yeah. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Alright, well. I mean, I have some information you might want to hear..."


"A man that loves mac n cheese..."

"Come to the precinct."

~At the precinct~

I knocked on the door to Barry's lab/office, which was already wide open, and everything went in slow motion. I saw Barry starting to pull the tab down on a board with a bunch of news articles and pictures covering it, but I quickly went over and grabbed his arm to stop him.

Everything went back to normal. "What are you doing?"

"Luna! Geez. You scared the hell out of me."

"What is all of this?" I took a step back to look at the board in its entirety. It was all of the information we had on DeVoe. "Oh... Are you okay, Barry? Did something happen today?"

He took a deep breath and it looked like he was trying to decide whether or not he wanted to tell me. Finally he did. "It was DeVoe and his wife. They showed up at the precinct today to file a complaint against me."

I was in complete shock... "What? For what exactly?"

"Basically for harassment."

I threw my hands up in frustration. "You quite literally only approached him two times since you even found out he existed. That is not harassment."

"I know. It just makes me believe even more that he's our guy." Barry saw how frustrated I was about this. No one bothers my team... "Hey." I looked back up at him. "What did you wanna tell me?"

"Right, um. Okay. So remember how we couldn't really figure out where DeVoe was during the conference?" Barry nodded slowly, waiting for me to get to the point. "I don't know how I didn't remember this earlier..."


"He was there. At the conference."

Barry stood up straight and gave me his full attention now. "What- how do you know?"

"Well when... Dr. Wells- Eobard. Whatever. When he was giving his speech, a woman asked a question that I actually answered myself and- Barry. It was Marlize DeVoe. And Clifford DeVoe was standing right next to her. They were there."

"What?? Wait What did she ask?"

"Uhh. Something along the lines of if we took the necessary precautions and took things into account that could happen like a Higgs boson bridge... Which seemed impossible at the time, but now looking back..." I looked down, thinking to myself yet again: What if I hadn't taken the job at S.T.A.R. Labs? Or if I took a step back and saw all of the red flags? I could have stopped all of this.

Kismet - E2 Harry WellsWhere stories live. Discover now