5- memories

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"Sorry to interrupt, but you guys are going to want to see this."

I quickly hopped off the bed and gave Cisco one last glare. He's always been scared of my glares for some reason, but now since he knows I was trained by the Green Arrow, he almost collapsed. I chuckled silently to myself as we made our way into the cortex.


"Can we just watch one more please?"

"Cisco, it's literally 4 am. We've been watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all night."

"Come on. I know you wanna see another one." He started to tickle me until I gave in and said:

"Fine just one more!"

"VICTORY!!! You're the best baby sister ever!"

I basically growled at older brother.

"I'm 11... i'm NOT A BABY!"

"Okay, okay! Let me grab a water and we shall continue."

I giggled and watched as he left the room. I stared into the hallway from my position on my brothers bed, waiting for him to return. I heard his footsteps reach the kitchen when suddenly the door slammed shut. What just happened? Cisco came running to the room.

"Luna?? Why would you slam the door! You could have woken up mama or papa!"

"I didn't do anything Cisco. I was sitting on the bed this entire time! Wha- how did that happen."

"Um. How about we just call it a night and go to sleep?"

"But Cisco, i'm scared. Can I please stay here tonight?"

"Of course you can." He pulled me close. "I'm here for you always. I won't let anything or anyone ever hurt you."

   That night never made sense to me...

"What do you think Lu Lu? Give your honest opinion." I wasn't even listening. "Earth to Luna!"

"Huh? Shut up Cisco." He put his hands up like he was surrendering.

"All right, so the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City." Barry told everyone.

"So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?" I looked over and saw Harry was in the room.

"Earth-2 has 'The Godfather'?" Cisco asked, completely irrelevant to the topic of Mardon, Trickster and Captain Cold.

"Every Earth has 'The Godfather,' Vito."

"Wait, why does he have to be in this conversation with us? It's not like he's part of our team." Everyone was in shock that I said that. Not gonna lie, so was I. "Oops, did I say that out loud?" I looked over at Harry and smirked. Where did this sudden confidence come from?


Harry kind of looked bummed. What a Scrooge! It's almost Christmas! I mean, it's not like I was gonna celebrate either, but still.

"You good, Harry?" Cisco asked him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He answered so cold. What is wrong with him? Cisco looked over at Caitlin and gave her a 'what the hell' type of look.

"Holiday blues? It can't be easy knowing Zoom has his daughter."

He has a daughter?? And Zoom took her? Maybe I should try talking to him... Maybe not. He has the face of the man hurt my friends and family. I can't even look at him.

i think we're making progress
did you guys like the flashback??
shall i do another one soon?

thank you sm for the support<3
please comment any suggestions/requests/ideas!

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