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'You okay?'

She whipped around with the intent to snap at another drunkard who was distracting her from the mission, but stopped when she saw a chest covered in dark leathered robes. She looked up to meet Anakin's gaze and saw his brow was heavy over his eyes, almost in anger. She clipped her weapon onto her belt and lowered her head in a nod, hoping that he wasn't angry at her for using the Force in such a dangerous setting.

'I'm fine, found anything?' she changed the subject.

'Nothing, but you should have called me over-'

The whoosh of a lightsaber made the two turn to the bar where Obi-wan was bathed in a hue of blue. With his lightsaber ignited and his stance rigid, he looked down at the assasin who had attempted to shoot him while his back was turned. The music and buzz of the club paused at the commotion, and whispers ensued about the woman whose arm was now detached from her body. Moans of pain came from the assassin and Obi-wan crouched down to force her to her feet.

Sol was the first to make it across the club and took hold of the woman's waist, whileObi-wan held up her other side. At the absence of an arm, Sol did her best to hold her breath at the stench of burnt flesh. A lightsaber wound was thankfully clean and sealed any blood from pouring out onto her light robes. But it didn't stop the burnt smell from occupying her senses as they guided the woman out of the club through a back door.

'Jedi business, go back to your drinks,' Anakin announced, and the club ensued with their seedy antics. He pushed down the anger that still bubbled inside of him at the previous events between the man and Sol, and left after his Master.

Out in an alleyway, Sol and Obi-wan lowered the armless assassin to the floor. Oblivious pass-byers were seen at the end of the alley, the noises of the main streets seeming far away. Anakin exited the club and crouched down in front of the assassin, Obi-wan tending to her shoulder in the best way he could. Sol shuffled to face the woman and placed her fingertips to the street below to keep her balance.

'Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?' Obi-wan questioned.

'A senator from Naboo,' she admitted with a wince at her wound.

'Who hired you?' Sol took over the interrogation, but the assassin didn't seem to bother listening to her. 'We could always leave you here with your wound. I suggest you cooperate.'

'It was just a job,' the assasin mumbled and Sol bit her lip. Anakin lowered his head into the light of the lamppost above the alleyway, making his hard gaze visible to the woman.

'Who hired you? Tell us,' his tone was mocking and daring. The assassin looked like she was scared for a moment, her lips parting but hesitant. She took to long to asnwer for Anakin's liking, making him snap momentarily.

'Tell us now!'

'It-It was a bounty hunter called-'

The information was nearly out, but she let out a choke as something pierced her neck. Sol jumped and whipped her head around to look behind her, seeing movement up on a high building. What looked like a Mandalorian ignited its jetpack and flew away, leaving nothing in its wake and disappearing into the higher levels of the city. Sol was able to turn her head back in time to hear the woman's last words, but was shocked to see her appearance changing by the second. 

From humanoid skin to a dark green tinge that resembled leather, her eyes grew large, and her lips shrunk into a large pout. A Clawdite appeared in the place of the assassin and Sol strained her ears to hear her pained words.

'Wee shanhit... sleemo.'

She collapsed and the object in her neck finished its job. A silence fell over them in the alleyway and Obi-wan leaned forward to pull the cause of the Clawdite's death out from her green neck. Anakin eyed it before analysing the assassin for any other signs of poisoning or strange effects.

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