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The Geonosians made a collection of clicking noises as they wretched Sol from her cell. They clicked in commands and undid the chain from the loop on the floor, but did not unlock the cuffs from her wrists. She thought better of struggling, as she wouldn't know what she would do if she got away from one guard. There would be others just waiting to catch her again, and she would still end up being taken to her execution either way.

So, the Jedi followed obediently as the winged species pulled the chain attached to her cuffs through the cells. She glanced into each one, hoping to see a glimpse of Anakin, or anyone who was on death row, but felt defeated when she saw that all were empty. The guard clicked and Sol thought about what awaited in the arena. Would the people Geonosis watch as they tortured her and the others? Or would there be some gladiator-style fight off? She didn't know what the people of Geonosis liked to do to their prisoners, much less what Count Dooku liked to do.

The guard stopped as they approached a clearing. Winged-guards held prisoners like Sol with chains in their three-fingered hands that led to the cuffs around Padme and Anakin's wrists. Sol eyed the two, seeing how they held helpless expressions at the thought of their fates. Padme made sure to appear as strong as she could in a lasting attempt to make the Geonisians fear for the wrath of the Galactic republic at the death of a Naboo senator, but Anakin only looked at Sol.

Their conversation in the spiritual realm had played on his minds since it occurred in his cell. With their execution set, they risked the exposure of their forbidden feelings in a place only they could hear. Anakin was surprised to hear that Sol had taken a liking to him in such a way, and what was even more surprising was how he felt at her confession. When she admitted she liked him, there was a rush of heat to his cheeks and the uncontainable urge to grin at her words. His stomach filled with a flood of thick, gooey liquid that filled his limbs with the energy to jump around in excitement. But the cuffs around his wrists contained him, and he hoped that Sol wasn't able to see his foolishly large grin through the Force.

Anakin wished he could speak to her. The way she stood with her hair tied back in a long braid and with her purple eyes holding the sparkle they always did, Sol didn't look like she had been kept in a dirty, underground cell. He gazed at her while knowing that his face showed that he avidly wanted to talk, but the guard that held Sol's chain yanked, and her head turned in a jolt.

'H-Hey, where are you taking her?' Padme was the first to act. Through Anakin's gawking, the guard had pulled Sol away from the other two who stood in chains. There was some clicking between the Geonosian guards in the corridor before Sol was being pulled in another direction.

'What is this? Is Sol being executed?' Anakin whipped around to the guard behind him. 'Where is he taking her?'

The panic that ran through Anakin was overwhelming. His breath shortened and he saw how Sol looked over her shoulder with eyes wide in fear. Anakin wanted to run after her and pull the iron cuffs from around her wrists. He knew he could if he used the Force, and he was sure that his desire to embrace Sol would make it all the easier. They would almost crumble from the strength in Anakin's hands, but he couldn't even make it a step away from the guard that held his chain to his own cuffs. He had to think of Padme, who broke her stoic expression at the sight of her newest friend being taken to the unknown.

At the sound of unintelligible clicks, Anakin grew angry. The guards did nothing as Sol's guard turned a corner, leaving Anakin and Padme to have one last look at the young woman. She looked at them with parted lips, wanting to say a farewell of some sort, but she was gone before her mind could articulate the action. Anakin's heart jumped at her disappearance, and he turned to the guards beside them with a deep desire to cease their existence.

'This is an act of war. Do you hear me?' Padme seethed at the Geonosians. 'You will suffer for this.'

More clicks served as their reply and Anakin's fists clenched in fury. He would die fighting if it meant that there was a chance to see Sol one last time before they become one with the Force.

Accismus⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• Anakin Skywalker⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat