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'I know I messed up, Sol, but if I didn't, Revan wouldn't have made it!'

'I'm not leaving because of that, Ahsoka.'

Sol put her hand on the Togruta's shoulder to ease her hysterics. The worry lines on Ahsoka's marked forehead smoothened and a relaxed smile crossed her lips. But before the woman could be at ease, Sol gave her a narrowed stare.

'But it was very irresponsible of you,' Sol's serious tone made Ahsoka stiffen. 'But I suppose with you and Revan in the hanger, Thrawn was busy sending troops to you guys. Obi-wan and I would have been overrun with stormtroopers if it wasn't for your irresponsible acts.'

Ahsoka gave a sheepish grin and Sol resisted a roll of her eyes. Luke and Leia made it on and off the star destroyer because of Ahsoka, and when Sol saw the way the young woman looked down in shame, Sol couldn't help but let Ahsoka off the hook. Besides, she got her rebellious antics from her Master, and Sol knew what he was like when it came to following direct orders.

'Why do we have to go, Mum?' Luke pulled at the bottom of Sol's robes. 'Aunty Padme would keep us safe here, right?'

In the hanger of the Resistance base, Luke and Leia stood with their mother with deep frowns on their faces. While a ship was being prepared by rebel mechanics, Sol, Obi-wan and the twins were being bid farewell by the rebellion. Sol's starfighter sat behind its pilot, and the ship that was being prepared, which was yet another generous donation from Padme, was awaiting its cargo of Obi-wan and the Skywalker twins.

Padme, Revan and Ahsoka mirrored the twins' frowns on their adult faces, while Obi-wan stood next to their mother with his arms crossed. The base continued its buzz around the farewell while only aware of the smaller details about Sol's departure.

The gossip about the Chosen One was still spreading about the rebellion, but Padme reassured Sol that it was just some harmless chatter at mealtimes. If anything, it was good to give the Resistance something to hope for in these trying times of the Empire. But Sol kept quiet on the topic and was partially glad at being able to leave the base and avoid the chatter.

'The base isn't safe for children, Luke,' Padme said sadly as she kneeled to be at his level. 'Your mother and uncle are making the right choice by taking you back to Tatooine.'

'But the Empire is all the way in the core! They would never come here,' Leia fought. 'Please, Mummy, don't make us go.'

Sol exchanged a look with Padme, before she looked up to Obi-wan. Luke and Leia's ignorance of the Empire's extensive presence in the galaxy made Sol want to give in. Padme loved being able to see the twins every day, but even she knew that they were in danger just by being on Yavin 4. 

Once the Empire finds the base, and they always have to assume that they will, Luke and Leia will be put in harm's way. They had to go back to Tatooine, and while Sol ventured to the Dagobah system, she would be at ease knowing that they were under the protection of their Uncle Obi.

Darth Vader knew about Luke and Leia, and if Sol had spent enough time in his presence on Thrawn's star destroyer, she assumed that he would be looking for them within the Resistance. The Empire had already swept Tatooine with their sieges, and the planet still held painful memories for Anakin. And if things were painful for Anakin, they would be seeping through his prison cell that lay inside the Sith apprentice. Sol would be at ease knowing that Luke and Leia were back where they belonged; out of the Empire's eyesight.

'I'm sorry, guys, but this is for the best,' Sol said. She watched her children's shoulders deflate and wished that there was something she could do. But Sol had to give some tough love if it meant that Darth Vader couldn't find them.

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