Chapter 1

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The sun was playing peekaboo with the tall trees, becoming smaller by the second. Looking like the little orange candy, it has painted the sky in the shades of orange and pink. Like the sky is blushing, confessing it's love for earth.

People say sunsets brings promise of a new dawn, however for the girl clad in black patiyala salwar kurta walking briskly on the streets, it is just increasing the panic because she was getting late. Her plum lips peeping from her veil were quivering in anxiety. All she wanted was to reach home before the sunset.

Worried eyes waivered to the ticking watch as the striding footsteps tried to outrun the sun. It's already six fifty and she had to be at home by seven, at any cost. God knows what troubles will welcome her if the sun sets before she reached home. She increased her speed racing with the sun but looks like it has decided to win today.

Allah, why does Ada and Adil took so much time to solve the equation. She muttered as she was angry at those two little chipmunks who were more interested in playing pranks rather than concentrating on the math tuitions, she gave them. The cute looking angles surely have devils sitting on their shoulders giving them ideas to make her job difficult. If only they would have listened and completed their homework on time she wouldn't be in this predicament.

Though they live only four streets down her house, yet it looks like these streets are not coming to end. She looked around and there wasn't any auto-rickshaw too. What a fate! She cursed at her fate and started walking quickly.

"Allah, please help me, please don't let him know that I am not at home yet", she was mumbling continuously praying to God.

A weird sound of someone's struggle broke her prayers and halted her in her steps.

She looked around and found no one. She took another step and heard that sound again. Lifting her black veil, a little she looked around. All that came into sight were few street vendors shouting out to call their customers. The regular market scene nothing unusual.

Bringing her concentration back at her watch she avoided pondering over the sound and started taking quick steps.

Just then a muffled scream reached her ears. "Hel-" She turned to her right and saw a girl inside an alleyway, struggling within the holds of two men.

Are they trying to-? No, you should help her, Sitara. Her inner conscience tried to preach her the right thing. But the time, she looked at the watch again which was screaming for her to hurry up and save herself first. Sun is almost setting. At this moment even the longer days of summers doesn't seem to help either. It will take atleast ten minutes for her from here to reach home that too if she literally ran.

Allah, her heartbeat increased in the anticipation of what he will do if he gets to know that she is out post sunset. But she can't leave someone suffering in front of her, can she? She is a good human and its humanity to help those in need.

No this is wrong. Ending her dilemma and deciding to go with her conscience, she shuffled her handbag and took out a bottle and hid it behind her back.

Taking steps towards them, she screamed "Don't touch her!" Listening, their eyes turned to her.

Leaving the girl they were devouring they let out a sinister laugh. "See bhai we got a fresh one too" One of them said and stepped towards her. She trembled for a second. Saying that she is not scared would be a lie. She was scared. Looking at the two muscular men marching towards her with intentions worse than a predator, she was hell scared. She took a step back when she saw a dagger with them. Her eyes waivered at the terrified soul who was trying to cover her petite self with her clothes that were torn from the sleeves. "Don't you come near me" she said and signaled the girl to run. Her eyes widen maybe at the thought of leaving her savior alone.

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