Chapter 27

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The evening breeze was colder here, maybe because of all the greenery around thought Sitara brought the loose end of her saree around her arms, walking in the garden. The sun has still not set, and the wind has started feeling cold.

A smile came to her walking on the grass. She loved being barefoot in these cozy months of blossom and bright dayshine. She loved to feel the fine wands of grass tickle her soles. There's a kind of freedom to it, that natural feel is good, calming.

She leaned into the shrubs, inhaling the beautiful aroma of the little marigold flowers blooming around.

Fifteen days have passed, and Sitara has accustomed herself to the silent life she is living. She is thankful to Bahar to suggest her the note pad thing and as a result she has a friend in this house now. She talks to Bahar by writing. It is much better than the loneliness. She learned a lot about her. Where she was, what she was, her kids, and how much she worships Shahzain. He saved her from the girth, so it's understandable why she adores him.

Though she doesn't have much time as she has to do household chores and take care of her daughters yet she takes out some time during her day for Sitara, knowing how alone she is here.

Still, she gets bored the whole day. With nothing to do, she just sits around either in the library or her room. There is no TV in this house or internet. Well, she doesn't have a phone or a laptop, so practically, she doesn't know if there is any internet or not. He doesn't let her do any housework, so she has practically nothing to do. So all she does is reading and eating. He generally is not at home during the day, but he comes at dinner on time. Since that day, he always ensured that she didn't have to wait long for him to eat.

And as much she denies the fact she do somewhere wait for him to come back. He is the only anchor she has before the loneliness drove her crazy. Though she doesn't talk much to him because she fears him too much but he talks to her, and that's enough to keep her sane.

Often, he cuddles with her before sleeping and talking to her about how beautiful she is or how much he loves her. She used to lay there in his arms, watching the moon outside. The way he looks at her sometimes makes her feel proud of herself that maybe she is more beautiful than the moon itself.

Being in his arms, too, brings peace to her racing heart, which is generally caused by his aggressive sex. But after that, when he lays down on the bed holding her in his arms, she feels sheltered.

She laid down on the grass and closed her eyes. Her white saree was sprawled over the green grass, and her hands were stretched out on either side. The red sleeves of her blouse were making a striking contrast with the grass.

She was feeling so peaceful and calm. Here, she needs not worry about being seen by anyone. No matter how strange it is but it's the fact that the man who captured her from the world, she feels most free in his home. Lying like this calmly in the garden, this freedom she didn't have back at her mother's home either. Hell, she couldn't go to the living room there without covering her face. But here she knows no matter what she does where she is, she doesn't have to dwell on anything.

She has seen Shahzain's men scurrying away on the sound of her anklets. Sometimes, she wonders if they meet her outside. They can only recognize her by her anklets. It's been half a month since she has been living here and no one has seen her face.

She was enjoying the peaceful breeze and sweet fragrances of flowers when she heard a squeaking sound. Bewildered with the sound, she sat up, looking around.

No one has the courage in his house to disturb her. She knows that for sure that none of his men will dare to enter here. Bahar must be working right now, and none of the other maids ever came in front of her. She knows that the electric fence already barred the possibility of any stray cat or dog to venture inside.

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