Chapter 1

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Your situation was different than most. Actually, different than all. As King Triton's secondary confidant - your good friend Sebastian being his first advisor - you were the only mermaid who's tail vanished when you left the water. In lieu of your gorgeous blue finned tail, a pair of legs grew, and you were able to walk, albeit stumble at first, across land. No one except for you, the king, and Sebastian knew of your secret and no one was to ever find out. So, when his daughter Ariel started asking questions about the world above, you felt for her and her yearning curiosity, but Triton had barred you and Sebastian from saying anything.

"It's natural to be curious," you said to Sebastian as the two of you bobbed along the surface of the water, watching a ship, merely a black speck on the horizon line. "Ariel's a child. Curiosity is practically required."

"Ah, but curiosity killed the sea slug, don't you know that?" Sebastian asked, clacking his pincers together nervously. 

You chuckled at the phrase. "Above land, it's cat - curiosity killed the cat." 

"Does it matter? Either way, she's too curious for her own good y/n, and you can't go encouraging her. King Triton would not be happy if he knew all the questions she's been asking."

You prodded at Sebastian's red shell. "He's not going to find out." 

"Sebastian!" The water rippled as Triton's voice boomed throughout the ocean, and the little crab's eyes widened.

"Speak of the devil," you said with a chuckle. "You better see what he wants." 

"If he's found out about Ariel, I'll be broiled alive. I'm a dead crab swimming," he muttered, and you watched as he swam off amongst the reefs.  

You took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face. You were only allowed to roam the land on Triton's orders, and it had been nearly a year since he'd allowed you to go. You longed for more; there was so much to see and do on land compared to under the sea. 

You heard a caw, and looked up to see a white Gannet circling overhead. "Hi Scuttle," you called as she dived into the ocean, resurfacing with a splash and bobbing along the waves. 

"Hi y/n, didn't expect to see you up here," she said. "Thought you'd be busy preparing for the Coral Moon."

"I'm already prepared," you said, hands on hips as you confronted the sea bird. "And I have a bone to pick with you."

"I don't share meals."

"No, not a literal bone-- Never mind." You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Have you been filling Ariel's head with stories of humans again?" 

Scuttle faltered. "Oh my, isn't that King Triton calling for you?" she said and you flicked water at her.

"Don't change the subject," you said, but luck was on Scuttle's side and you heard Triton calling for you too. You sighed. "This conversation isn't over," you said, and you swum back towards the bottom of the ocean to Triton's throne room, leaving Scuttle to fish for her lunch.

Triton's castle sat in the middle of the mermaid kingdom; a giant reef bent into a formation of rooms and corridors, decorated with the natural flora of the sea bed. Ocean creatures came and went as they pleased, save sharks who were banished to the deep waters due to their affinity for mermaid flesh. Mermaids were allowed within the castle walls, but the throne room - less of a room and more of a roof held up by pillars - the highest place in the castle, was reserved for King Triton and those he chose to allow in. 

Bowing as you entered, you were flooded by a feeling of unease. Sebastian was on the throne arm, looking meek compared to the mighty king of the sea beside him. Triton was distracted, staring out across his kingdom, but when he realised that you had arrived, his eyes settled into focus.

The Imagination Latibule: The Little Mermaid - EricNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ