Chapter 2

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You loved listening to the sailors sing as they danced about the deck, but what caught your attention were the two people not singing. One had been, but the other had dragged him away to the quieter part of the deck, just above where you lay. You wrapped your fingers around the ship bannister and peered out. Two men, one old and one young.

"Oh, come on, Grimsby," the younger one sighed, sitting down on a crate. "What's wrong with me having a little fun? Everyone else is."

"You, sire, are not everyone else," Grimsby answered sternly, and your ears pricked up. "It's time you separated yourself from the rest of the crew --"

"-- but I'm one of them."

"... and behave in a manner more becoming of a future king." 

Future king? You watched as the man sighed, standing and rubbing his eyes. 

"You mean, be more like my father was? Cut off from the rest of the world."

"Oh, Eric, you know what I mean."

"Eric," you repeated softly, watching as he sighed wearily.

"When you came to us 21 years ago, the King and Queen took you in and treated you as one of their own. Now that you've come of age..." Grimsby trailed off, and you gasped in delight as a dog rushed by, sticking its head through the railings and giving you a good sniff. You didn't know much about them, save that they were the friendliest of creatures, capable of smelling anything with their brilliant noses. You reached up and stroked its fur.

"Max! What are you doing over there," Eric chuckled,  walking over and grabbing the dog. your hands nearly touched his, and you pressed yourself against the side of the boat, heartrate quickening as you prayed to not be seen. "Come here boy. Come on," Eric coaxed, giving the dog a hug before he let him on his way. "Go on."

"And now that you have come of age, your responsibilities are at home. Your father would have expected that." 

Your heart panged. You were all too familiar with the expectations that you didn't want to meet.

"Yes, trapped inside that castle in isolation and fear. I can't do it." Eric was dreamy looking, but it was the passion in his voice as you listened to him argue about wanting freedom to explore. You felt the exact same.

"I believe a little fear may be advisable, sire."

"Grimsby, you're not listening. I want to be a different kind of leader. That's the whole reason we're on this voyage, don't you see? We have to stay open to what's out here. That's the only way our island can grow."

"Eric, think what you risk."

"I can't explain it, Grims. It's in my blood. Even now..." he wandered to the railing, hands on the beam, and looked out to see longingly. It was the exact look you had given the island of which he spoke, so many times. "I feel there's something out here calling to me." You stared at Eric, a feeling rising in your heart that you couldn't explain, but knew you wanted to feel more of. Then you frowned as he did, his eyes gliding upwards as a strong wind made the ship creak. "Storm coming in fast," he said quietly, and then as a clap of thunder rolled in the distance, and you felt rain began to fall he raised his voice. 

"Squall coming in!" Eric shouted, rushing towards the sailors as the music died down and the fireworks stopped.

"Squall!" a man yelled, and as the ocean began to surge, you watched them begin to panic.

"All hands on deck!" Eric said, grabbing the rings of rope that hung on the mast. "Batten down the hatches and crates!

"Yes, sir!"

Eric grunted as he pulled at the rope, but it was caught on the sharp end of a nail. Recklessly, you leant forward and through the railing, yanking the rope free of the nail before quickly hiding back in the lifeboat. With it free, he chucked the rope onwards where it could be of use in holding down their food supplies. 

"Clew up and stow the main course! Brail up the foresail!" Eric then yelled, grabbing the wheel. You watched, fearful of his safety as the waves played catch with the ship, throwing it back and forth. These were conditions even you weren't inclined to be in.

"Stow all of the sails!" a voice called back and the sailors got to work. But then Eric yelled out, and it was your cue to jump from the ship as the storm guided it into rocks, smashing the bow to pieces and sending the sailors flying. There were yells of pain, and as the impact shook the ship, the oil lamps hung across the rigging fell to the floor, smashing and spilling fuel about the deck. It was instantly set ablaze.

"Oi, lads! fire!" 

Flames began to eat up the ship, oil sloshed about and fuelling the blaze. You saw Eric stand, clutching his head. Even from a distance you could see he was injured as blood seeped through his fingers. He staggered, but on seeing the fire, he snapped out of the trance like state he was in and leapt into action. 

"Lifeboats! Abandon ship!" he yelled, and the sailors unhooked the boat from its perch. 

"Abandon ship!"

"Abandon ship!"

It was carnage, and you had to do something to help. You watched as the sailors jumped from the boat, even throwing over the ones that couldn't swim.

"Into the water, boy," one of the sailors urged, throwing in a younger boy. As he hit the water, you swam beneath, pushing him to the surface where: 

"Give me your hand, boy. Come on, get up. Get in!" The sailors grabbed him and hauled him into the lifeboat.

"Go! Now!" you heard Eric command as Grimsby held his nose and also jumped into the water. He flailed about and you thought you might have to intervene again, but he swam powerfully for a fragile looking man, and was also hauled into the boat. 

You watched as Eric swung a leg over the railing, but then there was a bark, and you saw Max standing at the other end of the ship, whimpering as the flames surrounded him.

"Max?" Eric looked around, and you realised suddenly how Sebastian felt when he knew you were about to do something he didn't want you to do. Your heart sank as his eyes landed on the dog. "Max!"

He rushed forward, jumping back as a fiery beam fell across his path, spitting embers out. He winced, blocked by a wall of fire, but that wasn't going to stop him. He yanked off his jacket, and used it as a shield, dropping it in the flames when he was through. 

"That's it. That's it, boy," he cooed as he picked up Max, clutching him to his chest. "Come on, boy. That's it." Panting, he staggered to the side of the ship, and held Max over the side. "Alright boy, go on. Go on." He let go, and Max let out a fearful howl as he plunged into the water. At this point, the lifeboat was far enough away to confuse the dog, who started swimming back towards the sinking ship.

"Come here, boy! Max! Come on!" the crew called. You dived below the waves, avoiding chunks of the ship that dropped into the water, and grabbed Max, pushing him to the boat, and swimming under and away before any of the crew could see you. 

"Good boy, there you go," they encouraged, pulling the dog over the side. Despite shivering in the cold, you watched them wrap the blanket over the dog, keeping him covered. That was the part of humans you loved. The compassion. But it was also the part that King Triton refused to see.

"Eric!" Grimsby yelled, and you watched as Eric stood on the edge of the ship. But a wave stronger than one you'd seen in a while threw itself mercilessly against the ship, causing it to topple backwards, and Eric cried out as he lost his balance and fell backwards onto the deck. The fact that you could hear the thud his body made as it burst through the railing and tumbled over the other side made your blood run cold. 

There was nothing any of the crew could do. You had to save him. Diving below the surface, grimacing as debris shot by you like spears thrown by fearful fishermen, you swam downwards, following Eric's limp body. Splinters of wood, thrown into the water with force, but too buoyant to remain below, shot at you on their way to the surface, and you dodged them as you swam as fast as your tail could move you. 

"I've got you," you mumbled, circling your arms around his chest. You swam to the surface, pulling him with you and holding his head to your shoulder, keeping him afloat as you rode out the remainder of the storm. 

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