Chapter 11

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"What are you doing? Let go of me!" you cried as Ursula dragged you through the murky depths of the water, her tentacles pinning your arms tightly to your sides.

"Not a chance," she replied with a victorious cackle. "You made a deal, remember? Three days, no kiss." You clutched your head. How could you have forgotten? And all the times Sebastian tried to tell you, it was like you couldn't hear him. "Yeah, is it all coming back to ya?" Ursula asked. "I thought so. Well, now you gotta live with it, toots."

"Ursula!" Triton's booming voice echoed across the ocean floor, and you watched as he appeared from the darkness, trident pulsing with a dangerous gold energy as he saw you. "Let her go." But Ursula's grip on you tightened until you yelled out in pain.

"Forget it, Big Brother. She belongs to me now." Triton stopped himself from raising his trident and Ursula laughed again, her plan coming neatly together. "Oh, you see? We made a deal. In blood." She pointed at the scarring patch in your tail where a scale once was. "It's unbreakable, even for you."

"I'm sorry, sire. This is all my fault," you sobbed. "Ariel wanted to make a deal, and I didn't want her to get hurt. I had to go in her place." 

Triton's eyes softened at you, but darkened beyond anger as Ursula wrapped a tentacle around your mouth, not wanting to listen to your pitiful apologies. "What do you want with my daughter?" he asked, and your eyes widened as he referred to you as such.

"Oh." Ursula shrugged. "Nothing... It's you I want. I want to see you suffer, like I've suffered all these years, and the daughter of the great Sea King is a very precious commodity. Of course, the real one was warded off by this bitch, but -" she shrugged again nonchalantly, "-she'll do. Poor, unfortunate soul." Ursula's words riled you up as you tore at her tentacle. "Hey!" she yelled as you slipped from her grasp and swam as fast as you could. "Get her boys!"

"Run Triton!" You yelled as the eels hunted you down, and you weren't fast enough to escape them as they wound themselves around your arms. You yelped in pain as they shocked you, an electric current running through your body.

"Enough," Triton cried, raising his trident, but Ursula shook her head as her eels upped their voltage. You whimpered, gritting your teeth and trying not to show fear, but it was a poor attempt. Your entire body shook as you tried to break free of the eels.

"Uh-uh, I wouldn't," Ursula said, pointing at the trident, and Triton lowered it. "Shocking, isn't it?" she laughed. "Of course, I always was a gal with an eye for a bargain." 

"What do you want?" Triton hissed.

"What do you say to a trade, hmm? What's your precious little y/n worth to ya?"

You shook your head. You weren't worth the power of the seven seas. But Triton thought you were, and the the trident crackled as if betrayed as he gave it up, letting it float towards Ursula, who grabbed it victoriously. "It's mine now," she said, and with a maliciously smug smile to her brother, she fired a burst of energy into his chest.

"No!" you yelled as she laughed wickedly. "Triton!" You watched, unable to do anything as his life drained from him. His eyes caught your before they dulled, and he sunk into the murky depths of the water.

The king was dead. Long live the Queen.

 "You... You monster!" you yelled, lashing out at Ursula and trying to grab the trident, but she wound back one of her tentacles and punched you in the chest, sending you flying backwards. She aimed the trident at you, and you feared you were to meet the same fate as Triton.  

"Don't be a fool, you little brat! You are powerless against--" Ursula yelped as a spear shot through her arm,  blue blood billowing into the water. 

She turned. 

You looked up. 

It was Eric. 

Braving the fearsome depths, stormy waters and a sea witch to save you. As he saw that his spear hit its mark, he swum back towards the surface as fast as his legs could kick. 

You're gonna pay for that," Ursula yelled. "Get him!" The eels shot off after Eric, and you cried out as he broke the surface, reaching for the boat, but he didn't have a chance to grab another spear. He fought helplessly against the eels as they wrapped themselves around his legs and dragged him from the safety of the wooden dingy and back towards the depths. 

"Say goodbye to your human heartthrob," Ursula laughed, aiming the trident at Eric. The fear that ran through you at the thought of Eric being hurt was stronger than anything you'd ever felt.

"Don't!" you cried, knocking into her as she fired. The pulse missed Eric, instead hitting the two eels that were trying to seal his fate, turning them into dust. 

"My babies!" Ursula cried, and you took her distraction as an opportunity to swim towards Eric, hoping that he'd managed to take a breath before being dragged under. You looked down. Ursula had disappeared in a cloud of thunderous smoke. That couldn't mean anything good. But Eric was your priority, and you grabbed his arms, pulling him up to the surface. He gasped for air as you guided his hands to the boat.

"y/n," he cried, trying to hold onto you as the waves battered you both. 

"Eric! Get to shore. She'll kill you," you begged. 

"I'm not leaving you," he answered as you pushed him towards the boat. 

"Eric, ple--" Your plea was lost to a thundering boom as suddenly, the two of you were no longer floating on the surface of the water. Rising from the depths, Ursula, the size of a giant, had emerged, and you grabbed Eric's arm as the boat fell from the crown she'd fashioned for herself. The two of you clung on for dear life as you rose up, beyond the waves and towards the clouds.

"Give me your hand!" you cried, reaching for Eric. He grabbed yours tightly. "We have to jump!"

"What?" he cried, legs buckling at the height below.

"Now!" You flung yourself and Eric forward, and landed in the water with a splash that couldn't be seen above the waves. Ursula held up the trident, summoning a storm the likes of which you'd never seen, and as the waves began to spin like a whirlpool, you swum to the surface.

"Eric, look out!" you yelled as one of her tentacles lashed at him. He ducked below the waves and you swam to him, trying to pull him out of the way. But there wasn't much choice in where you could go as the tentacle slapped the surface, sending you flying one way and him the other. You were both trapped in the clutches of the whirlpool. 

"Now I rule the seas and all will be helpless under my power!" Ursula declared. As the water span, ships from the wreckage began to surface, smashing against the rocks that had also re-emerged. You watched as Eric grabbed at one of the rocks, hauling himself up on a caught piece of rope. You watched Ursula's eyes light up in glee as she saw him. There was nowhere he could go; the rock was too slippery to climb further, and if he let go he'd be killed by the waters below.  

"So much for true love," Ursula muttered, raising a tentacle. "So long, lover boy."

You weren't going to lose Eric, that was the only thing you were certain of. So, as you dodged a rising ship, narrowly missing the sharp bowsprit, you had an idea and swum after the ship as fast as you could. You flung yourself on deck as it breached the waves, becoming part of Ursula's deadly whirlpool, and dragged yourself to the wheel, yanking on it as hard as you could. The boat spun, bow pointing directly as Ursula, and before she could condemn Eric to the Davy Jones' locker, the spear-like wood plunged into her heart.

Ursula shrieked and wailed as her tentacles flailed in the air, grabbing desperately at the boat as you jumped from it. She started to shrink - the tridents power couldn't save her now. But despite the horrific scene before you, there was still only one thing you could think about. 

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