Chapter 10

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You weren't nearly as fast a runner as you were a swimmer, tail of not, but once you were out of the ocean, you sprinted back towards the castle so fast it was almost like you were flying. You had to get Ursula away from Eric, and somehow tell him everything. But working out how to steal your voice from the witch was the second part of your plan, and you'd cross that bridge when you get there. As you got closer, your veered off the main path and into the shrubbery, hiding behind the banister that ran the length of the giant terrace overlooking the ocean.

"Heroism's too strong a word for it, but I suppose I did save Eric. That's what anyone would do." You heard Eric's beloved boasting - sorry, lying, about rescuing Eric. The engagement party was well underway, but despite the noise, her shrill and boastful voice was almost all you could hear. 

"Of course, Vanessa," a woman said, and you scowled. Ursula had taken someone's face and name, and you weren't about to let her get away with that either. You crawled through the bushes, watching and waiting for your chance to strike. There was a streak of doubt running through your head that Scuttle might be wrong, but then as Vanessa turned to toss her hair over her shoulder, you saw her necklace. The necklace that contained your voice. That was what you needed. You were ready to creep out and pounce, when you saw Eric walk across the terrace and towards Grimsby. He looked concerned.

"Grimsby," Eric said, pulling him to the side, and you crept over to listen to their conversation.

"Sire," Grimsby greeted.

"Have you seen y/n?"

"According to the servants, she left the castle early this morning," Grimsby said and Eric's face fell.

"Left?" he stuttered.

"Can you blame her, Eric?" was Grimsby's response as he sighed. "I don't understand. This is not like you."

"I'm not sure I understand it myself," Eric muttered, his eyes glazed as though unsure of where he was or what he was doing. "I just wanted to... I thought if..."

"Eric," his mother called, striding across the terrace too. Eric smiled sadly at Grimsby. 

"I don't really know what I wanted." 

"My darling," the Queen said. "This belonged to my mother and I'd like you to have it." She held out a ring; a gorgeous diamond ring that reflected the light. " Your happiness means everything to me." 

As soon as the Queen held up the ring, Ursu-- Vanessa's head turned, and she excused herself from her conversation, rushing over to Eric. The way she hung off his arm made you sick as she stared hungrily enough at the jewels.

"Enjoy yourselves," the Queen said, walking away. Vanessa turned to Eric, taking the ring from his hand before he could react.

"Oh, Eric. It's beautiful." You were tempted to rush out there and then, but you needed to wait until Vanessa could be caught off guard. You needed a distraction, and that distraction was Scuttle. You heard her cawing from above, and looked up as the brazen seagull divebombed Vanessa, knocking the ring out of her hands. As it clattered to the floor, Vanessa shrieked, throwing her arms at Scuttle and nearly knocking out Eric in the process as he ducked. 

"What in the..." Eric trailed off. "The ring." 

"The ring!" Vanessa wailed. "Has anyone seen the ring?" As the guests exclaimed in shock and started hunting for the ring, she grabbed the closest woman, shaking her shoulders. "Have you seen the ring? Have you seen it?!" 

You could have sworn you saw the ring on the ground, and then Grimsby kick it away into a nearby bush, a smug look on his face. Oh how you loved that man. As you leapt over the, banister, fighting your way through the frantic search, Scuttle dived for Vanessa again, and then Max barrelled past your legs with a furious bark as he jumped at her. 

"Get off me, you filthy bird!" Vanessa yelled, hitting Scuttle who tried her best to keep her distracted. As Max clawed at the bottom of her dress, she kicked out, and he whimpered in pain. Her true colours were showing, and as she yelled, "Help me! I'm being attacked!" no one thought to help her. They could only watch in shock, and you pushed through the stunned crowd.

My voice is in her necklace. That was the only thought going through your head until you heard him. 

"y/n!" Eric cried, running towards you. "y/n, I've been looking for you everywhere." But you dodged his outstretched arms and ran straight to Vanessa. As she saw you, she lost all semblance of kindness and grace, grabbing at you as you wrapped your hand around the necklace, dragging her forward.

"y/n!" Eric yelled again, but the Queen and Grimsby held him back as you and Vanessa fought. 

"What are you doing?" she hissed, pushing you to the floor, her hands wrapping around your neck. 

"Grimsby, let me go!" Eric begged. "y/n, Vanessa, stop!"

But you didn't need Erics help. With your fist curled around the necklace, you kicked Vanessa in the chest and she went staggering backwards, landing on the floor. The guests went to help but she screamed out at them. "Don't touch me!" she threatened. "Get her away from me. She's insane." She glared at you, but you were done caring about Vanessa. 

You threw the necklace to the floor and it shattered, a blue orb rising from it and into the sky. And then it started to sing. Your voice. Your song. The crowd fell silent as it floated towards you, and you found yourself on tiptoes, urging it to come to you. Then, as you opened your mouth, the blue orb settled in your throat, and you let out a gasp, clutching your neck as you breathed deeply. 

"y/n," Eric whispered, and you dared hope that your voice would work as you opened your mouth.

"Yes," you said, and he rushed over to you. 

"It was you all along. I should've known," he said gently as he took your hands. "I don't know what came over me."

"She bewitched you," you told him. "She's a sea witch. It's not your fault." Eric pressed his forehead against yours with a smile that spoke a thousand words, but then the two of you flinched as Vanessa stood. 

"Get away from her!" Ursula yelled, her voice no longer disguised as the dainty Vanessa as she pointed a crooked finger at you. 

"Eric, I want you to know I..." you trailed off, trying to find the words, and as you did, Sebastian climbed up over the balcony. You didn't know where he'd been, but what counted was that he was here to give you the nudge you needed.

"Oh, just kiss!" 

"I want you to know everything," you said but Eric shook his head, hands on either side of your face.

"Nothing matters now," he whispered, leaning into kiss you.

"No!" Ursula screamed, but she'd won. Before your lips could touch, there was a flash of green along the horizon, and the sun set. Immediately, all of your memories of the spell came back to you, the conditions that you'd been forced to forget, and you cried out in pain as you fell against Eric, your bones cracking. He held you tightly as Ursula cackled maniacally, and you dropped to the floor, but Eric never let go. You let out an agonising yell, and the guests at the party cried out in fear, as from beneath your dress, your legs disappeared, and your tail was revealed. 

"Oh, good Lord," the Queen stuttered, nearly fainting as Grimsby held her up. "She's a sea creature." You looked up at Eric, expecting him to pull away in disgust, but instead he held you tighter, steeling himself against the thought that if you were a sea creature, Vanessa was something so much worse.

"You're too late!" Ursula screamed and her façade began to drop away. The guests screamed, running from the terrace as her slimy tentacles lashed out, smashing the delicate vases and crockery laid out for the celebration. She grew and grew in size, her laughter grating on the ears of all. "You're too late!"

"Stay back!" Eric shouted, trying to protect you as he lifted you up, but Ursula didn't care. Now her true self, you knew that she would try and take out the both of you, so as she charged forward, you yanked yourself from Eric's arms and pushed him away.

"y/n!" Eric cried as Ursula caught you in her tentacled grasp. You reached out a hand but missed his by an inch as the two of you went flying over the side of the cliff, and into the choppy water below.

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