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M A T U R E  C H A P T E R

I can't sleep. I am way too excited to make dinner for Artie and I. I tried to nap, in fact I managed to lay still for 3 minutes before my body decided it did not need to sleep. Maybe the sun just felt a bit much and I needed a cooler environment for a few minutes. I've tidied my flat, and washed and cleaned my wine glasses which are now sat, drying on the side with a cold bottle of rosé wine in the fridge.

I hear a knock at the door and smile.

He can't wait, can he?

I walk to my front door and open the door smiling. "Hey, what's–" My face drops suddenly. "Eddie?"

"Hey." He smiles sheepishly. "Can I come in?"

"May I ask why?"

"It's delicate." His reply makes me nervous so I nod and step aside, letting him in.

"Is everything okay? How's your Mum?" I ask frantically as he follows me into the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's fine, why'd you ask?" He replies, turning to me with a face a confusion.

I frown. "You just said it's delicate?"

"Well, it is." He says, looking around my flat. "Is your neighbour in?"

I chuckle as I make the realisation as to why he wanted to come in and not argue in the hallway. "You're scared of Artie."

"No I'm not." He defends himself. "Besides, I'm not here to talk about him. We need to finish this."

"Eddie," I sigh. "Please. I'm fed up of telling the same story and repeating myself. Nothing's changed - in fact I'm happier now than I was when you were here last month."

"How? I don't understand how you can leave your friends and family and me and be happier?!"

"I've got friends here. I love my new job. I'm still in contact with my family too."

"Friends?" He scoffs. "What? You and your psycho neighbour?"

Hearing him disrespect Artie like that makes me feel angry and defensive. "Don't talk about Artie like that." I say through gritted teeth.

"What?" He chuckles, shaking his head. "What power has he got over you that's makes you see the good–" he pauses for a second and gasps, "are you dating him?"

I lick my lips and gulp, leaning against my kitchen counter. "I am dating him, yes." I whisper.

Eddie runs a hand through his hair and releases a hasty breath. "How?"

"I'm sorry?"

"How could you possibly date someone like that? He's vulgar and hateful and aggressive." His voice raises as little, but he tries to keep it quiet still, and he walks towards me whilst he rambles and stands close to me.

As his breath hits my face, I flinch at the smell. "Have you been drinking?"

"Why would you date him, Callie? What does he possibly have that I don't?"

"He makes me happy Eddie. He appreciates me and makes me feel the way you should feel in a relationship."

"He's a fighter; your Mum will never accept him as part of the family." He says, his breath hitting me like a gust of wind. His voice goes up another few decibel.

"I don't care what my Mum thinks."

"Oh my God!" He runs a hand through his hair stressfully. "He's rough, Callie! He's gonna hurt you!" He shouts at me with frustration. "Or is that what you want? Do you want someone to fuck you up? Cos' all you had to do Princess was fucking ask and I'd of roughed you up." He leans over me.

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