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I wake up absolutely red hot. I blink myself awake and feel breath on the back of my neck, and a leg over mine. It's way too warm to lay together like this. "Artie." I whisper, shuffling around a little.


"I need to get up."

He hums in response again, and kisses my hair before moving his body over so I can slide out of bed.

I pull my hair aside and head through to the kitchen. I boil the kettle and walk to the window, pulling back the blinds.

Compared to last night, the weather is beautiful. It rained all night and the air was the freshest it had been in the last few months. I pull back the balcony door to let the fresh air continue through the flat. I pour myself a coffee once the kettle is boiled and debate making some breakfast. I don't know how hungover Artie is yet, or even if he has one at all and I don't want to bother him by asking. I'll make him something, it might help.

I make myself a bacon and egg sandwich and eat first to allow Artie to continue to sleep in. Once I've eaten mine, I set up a tray with a coffee, bacon and egg sandwich, a bottle water and two paracetamols, and carry it into the bedroom.

Artie's laid with his wrist over his eyes and yawning tiredly.

I don't want to bother him, so I set the tray down careful on the side of the bed where I had previously been laid. I lean over Artie's body and kiss his forehead. "There's so brekkie on the bed when you're ready." I whisper.

He hums in response again, but I notice one side of his mouth smiling.

I assume that humming is all that I will be hearing out of him today. I strip off at the end of the bed and let my clothes drop to the floor.

"This is a nice thing to wake up to." I hear Artie say from the bed, making me laugh.

"I'm going for a shower. I'm red hot and all sweaty." I say, and walk out the room. "Enjoy your breakfast." I call as I enter the bathroom.

Remembering last night, I pick up Artie's clothing and put it in my washer then head back to the bathroom for a shower. The cold water feels lovely on my skin. I shampoo my hair first, taking time to enjoy the scent and feel of my nails on my scalp. The matching conditioner smells just as good and awakening.

I feel a hand on my lower back jump slightly.

"Thank you for breakfast." I hear Artie say, his lips against my ear. He hums in pleasure. "Just what I needed." He says.

"The sandwich?"

"Your body." He corrects, gripping my waist with one hand and his other stroking up my spine. He pushes my hair over one shoulder and begins to kiss the naked side. "I love you." He says against my skin.

I lean back into him, and he pushes me back slowly so I turn to face him. "I didn't think you'd be getting out of bed this early."

"And miss out on this?" He asks, continuing to kiss my neck.

I chuckle against him as his hands roam my body. My fingers trace his chest and I tightly grip his biceps. One hand moves up to his hair.

He bites my neck, startling me, and causing me to grip his hair, pulling his head away from me.

"Ouch." I say, though the slight pain only brought me more pleasure.

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