Chapter Twenty-Six

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Anxiety bubbles in my stomach at the thought of returning to the city I ran away from. It's like I've been living in a fantasy land where the real world doesn't exist. The problems, the people, all of it, I left behind. It was easy to pretend none of it really mattered when I wasn't there and had other things occupying my mind. But now, as we cruise down the highway, the warm air spilling in through the windows of Zander's truck, the anxiety of having to face all this head-on is stressing me out.

"What's going on inside that pretty head of yours?" Zander asks, glancing over at me, a frown tugging the corner of his mouth. Ever since we have both let go of the 'this shouldn't happen between us' energy; it feels like everything has changed. It is so effortless and easy with us in a way that has my heart swooning every time he looks at me.

Exhaling, I flatten my hands on my bare thighs, hating that they feel a little clammy. Surreptitiously, I drag them across my skirt.

"Coming back. Seeing everyone. Dealing with the mess of my life I left behind," I mumble, deciding to be honest and upfront about what is going on with me, since he is about to walk into it all and see everything for himself.

"What has you most concerned?" he asks.

I chew my lip. "I guess...facing my friends. I thought these people really cared for me, you know? But it turns out they're all as fake as each other. Well. Most of them, anyway."

"There's a lot of people like that in the world, unfortunately."

"I appreciate you coming with me. I don't think I could do this alone."

Zander's eyes move over to me, and he offers me a soft smile. "It might not be as bad as you think."

I make a sound of disagreement. "I guess."

Eyeing the time on the dashboard that is so layered in dust I have to lean forward and squint, I mentally calculate how far we are from the city. The first stop is at Joelle's, my mum's friend. I'm too intrigued by this mysterious box that she found of my mother's belongings. It doesn't make any sense to me. We had our own place, why would she have things left at Joelle's? Sure, they had been friends for years, but it seems odd. I don't recall a time my mother ever stayed with Joelle, but I could be wrong. The older I get, the more I begin to realise how little I really know about her.

After that, we will head to the hotel we booked. I shiver inches down my spine at the thought of us, in a hotel, and all the things it may lead to. My throat suddenly feeling paper dry, I take a long swig from my now-warm water, which makes me screw my nose up.

"I have booked a few appointments in the city," I say, brushing my hair back from my forehead. "Beauty stuff. I hope that's okay."

"No probs. I might have a browse while I wait."

I smile. "You, shopping? I'd love to see that."

Rolling his eyes playfully, he shrugs. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to it."

My phone vibrates with a new text. Tapping the screen, I open it, seeing that it is from Olivia, aka, the bride-to-be.

Olivia: So excited to see you! Xx

Gritting my molars, I lock the phone and toss it down into the small space between Zander and I. He glances at the phone curiously but doesn't ask. I don't want to get into it, so I rest my head back and close my eyes, hoping the trip will be over before I know it.

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