★ 14 | I Feel...Sorry? ★

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30 minutes have passed by since the second we stepped inside. But for some reason, the more time I actually get to spend with Tweek...the more I actually start to feel like I'm getting closer to him. Finally getting to know him more you know.

I don't know if it's the non-stop rambling about how he remembers how he used to love baking cupcakes and preparing coffee that brings an awful smile and soft laughter to my lips or the fact that he just seems way more relaxed in this environment. It feels nice either ways you know, at first it was kind of frustrating, but now...now it's just sweet and to be fair...I kinda like it.

I enjoy this Tweek.

The Tweek that somehow makes me feel even more connected to him throughout a short period of time, like if in an alternative life somehow he was there. It's like that sweet connection that well not many people can get from a first encounter.

And well...especially an encounter like ours, which wasn't as pretty...haha..

Tweek...oh Tweek...

I feel keen on the matter you know? His rant about baking cupcakes and making coffee just brings even more questions to my mind than answers, and it's painful. I mean for all I know maybe Tweek was a pastry chef of some sorts, in hell, or on earth.

And well even if that was the case, Tweek just doesn't remember anything else other than that.

Not even the place or the time, it's weird. like if the information was just completely wiped out of his memory. It's strange and scary imagining how someone could have just forgotten about every important aspect of their life. Every event, every small moment, every smile, every laughter, every cry, all to just end up forgotten. Just like nothing.

As if it was intentional, like if Tweek was just never supposed to exist.

Nonetheless, Tweek seems...happy. I can tell that the refreshing and sweet sultry smells in the atmosphere of the coffee shop bring a soft and gentle fond warmth to his heart.

To the point I get that feeling from Tweek of wanting to reach out to me and tell me something he just doesn't quite remember yet. I don't blame him for feeling this way, and well yeah i'm not the one to admit stuff so much. But okay, I'll admit something for once.

If helping him regain back his memories means never going back. Then maybe I wouldn't mind never going back.

ugh now what am I saying?

I'm getting off track again right....
I told you, he's doing something to me.
Like some evil spell or some crap like that
Making me go all sympathetic.

But once again...
If this keeps up...then...will I still have the heart to exorcise him..?

I have 1 goal in life, but making him my second goal in life...Well, it doesn't really sound as bad. He can help me find the demon who killed my father right?
But that's another matter, I just want to figure out who he is, where he came from, and what the hell happened to him.

Until then i'll take it slow until we gradually make our way up

And then when the moment comes, I'll make my final decision.


"Yeah?'' I smiled, weakly peeping a quick glimpse at Tweek. His face smoldered with a radiating kick as he enjoys the last 2 remaining cupcakes on his plate.

You wanna know how I can tell he's happy? Because this chaotic blondie has literally devoured 3 cupcakes within a span of 2 minutes. And I can't do anything but bring my hands over my mouth and cup the laughter from escaping my lips.

Exorcise him! // Craig x Tweek // (Creek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora