★ 18 | Rocks & Stories ★

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Run, and don't look back
Is what i've always taught myself to do

And it's what I've always done when faced with something I can't bring myself to confront in my life, running like a coward. Thinking it could be my solution from escaping everything. Thinking that maybe if I ran with the intention of never looking back I could still run enough till the brink of dawn and reach out for the end of the world, catching my breath for every step and thinking it could be the reason I wake up to a better false reality of something I can't be guaranteed to in life.

I'm greedy and I'm running with the adrenaline in my veins and roving through my heart. I'm scared, lost and confused. My whole body is consumed with the fear of the familiar, a mask with no face and no story. And I know I shouldn't be running, because he's with me.

Tweeks with me, and I hate the idea of me cowardly getting Tweek involved with my own hasty troubles.

I'm so sorry Tweek, I'm sorry I...

"Craig?" he frowns, but I'm so strayed in my mind that I'm losing my very own thoughts one by one and my hearts pulsating for every breath I take into my strained lungs. As if I've got nothing to lose. As if I was breezing through the wind because I have the goal in mind of never stopping until I see the sun set and meet the horizon, until the wind stops blowing.

And until his words get out of my mind.

"UGH Craig for god sake!" He cries out and yanks my hand back, fetching a fistfull of my shirt and bringing back my attention back over to him. Our breaths inches away and our hearts from the verge of sticking out of our chests...And its like hes snapped me out of my bubble, my selfishness to want to keep going alone...

...what am I doing...

For the whole time I was running because of me, I was relentlessly stepping forward because I wanted to escape something I couldn't get out of my mind, instead of bringing myself to think about what Tweek might have been thinking.

"Listen, we got out so just" Tweek sighs, his breath tremorous and lowly from the run "Calm down for me, okay?" he darts his eyes over to mine, a sincere concern painted all over his eyes, something dull yet so full of life. So red it makes me wonder if they've ever told stories he can't recall of yet. And maybe I haven't noticed it before, but this is the first time he's returned the act. looking at me the same way I looked at him when he first panicked.

The same way I held his cheek and looked at his eyes, steadying his breath and waiting for him to give me cue that he's calmed down. The second time anyone has ever shown me this same kind of brief love...you're right Tweek...Maybe I do need to calm down...

And is it too late to admit, I kinda like this? This idea of him straying my mind away and engulfing me in his eyes and gentle words, forcing a smile to tug at the ends of my lips and relieve me from the built up tension cuffed up on my arms and legs holding me back from becoming the best version of myself.

Softly I chuckle and close my eyes, taking in the deep breath I needed to remind myself to take before looking down at his roughed up act of kindness. A fistful of my shirt in his hand and a face that tells me he's worried about me.

God you dork
You know your actions don't really match with your words

"Mm" I hum, bringing my hands up to his wrist and softly tracing my fingers through his palm, making him let go of my shirt. "I'm sorry Tweek" I delicately brush off a smile and enjoy the moment of calm that bails out into my body. I finally feel composed and it's all because of you...

"Were you worried about me?" I teasingly lift up the back of his hand and brush it over my lips, tilting my head a little and keeping my narrowed gaze over to his.

Exorcise him! // Craig x Tweek // (Creek)Where stories live. Discover now