A new home

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Moving was hard for some people. For me, it wasn't that hard. When I was little, my family and I moved frequently. My dad tried so hard to find a job that paid good money so he could support us. There wasn't really a house that I would've called home. I never saw a trailer a home. When I was younger, a home meant a house with a lot of rooms, a big front and backyard, stairs, a basement, a garden, and huge trees in the backyard that would be able to hold a tree house. As I got older, I didn't care that we had to move all the time. I got to see new things, experience new things. But it was hard to make new friends and keep old ones. 

I met Kelsey in my freshman year of college. We both attended the little community college that everyone in the county went to because it was cheap. She and I shared a dorm, which was an interesting time. I immediately thought she was weird when I first met her.  But, it took some time to get use to her energetic personality. She surely helped me with my confidence. I never felt insecure around her. She could care less how much I weighed or how I looked like. Though,  she was really impressed that I was in college to be a fashion designer. Kelsey even helped me get a job at that awful modeling agency.

"Hon?" Mitchell's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I put my pen and journal down and looked up at him.

"Are you ready to head out?" he asked me. I sighed and looked around the room. I haven't even been here a year and I'm moving again. But it's for a good reason; some stupid witch is out to get us.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I went over to a sleeping little Mitchell and picked him up. He looked exactly like Mitchell. The shape of his lips, the little crinkle in between his eyebrows, the cleft chin. So cute and with barely any hair on his little head, though. Just little tuffs of brown here and there. 

Mitchell grabbed the diaper bag and the last suitcase near the door. We walked down the long spiral staircase to the living room, where everyone was sitting. 

"Is everyone ready?" Mitchell asked them. Everyone nodded and started heading out the door. I stayed just a little longer. Getting a good picture in my head of all the rooms of the house. The house where so much drama happened. All those damn clones, Kelsey getting bitten by one, the miscarriage, the black goo. At least in the end, everybody's okay. Excluding the stupid witch trying to kill us for no reason.

As I sit in the car with little Mitchell beside me, I realize how quickly my life had changed. 

One moment, I'm working at a well-known fashion agency; I modeled the models, did their hair, makeup, etc. The next, a very handsome guy comes out of nowhere, I learn that he's a werewolf, some guy is desperately trying to kill him, and I have his baby. 

Quick much? Yes, but this is life. Life is short. I'm glad I met Mitchell that day. I'm glad I agreed to go on a date with him. He was a stranger, yes, and my dad wouldn't be so happy to hear I quickly trusted him. 

Oh goodness, dad. How I miss him. I need to visit him and tell him of my very strange but happy family. 

A small gurgle snapped me out of my thoughts. I look at my little chubby child and smile. I would re-live that day I met Mitchell over and over again if it meant I got to spend the rest of my life with these two. 

"Let's play a game," Mitchell said. I looked at the back of his head since he was driving. My eyes switched over to the mirror where I met his eyes. 

"What kind?" I asked. "A guessing game," he replied. Hm. Odd.

"Uh, okay, I guess." 

His eyes crinkled and he chuckled. "Relax. Nothing disgusting. This will help you understand Isis's family a bit more and to help you remember names." 

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