The Mark, dun dun dun!

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My neck was on fire! I could barely breathe! That bastard bit me hard. I really need to know where he is so I can kick him in the ass.

"Sweetie, everything will be okay," Rafael said, trying to comfort me.

I was in a little panic mode. I mean who wouldn't in this situation? I got bitten for Pete's sake!

Also a little unexpected thing, my body felt like it was burning on the inside. Like, I feel like as if I really need someone right now.

Rafael sniffed me and he stiffened. He looked at Mitchell who was in the kitchen along with Vanessa.

"Mitchell, can you smell that?" Rafael asked, a little nervous.

"Yeah. You need to get her to the room now or else the clone will escape if he smells her," Mitchell told him.

I saw Rafael nod and he grabbed my hand. Get me to a room? Smell me? What, do I smell sooo bad?

"Rafael, what's going on?" I asked as we got in the room.

"You're in heat," was all he said before he took his shirt off.

"Whoa Rafael, what are you doing?" I asked, trying not to look at his chest. Ugh, but I couldn't help myself.

"When you're in heat, your body needs to have release," he told me.

"Release? know... that release?"

"I'm sorry, but yes. If you don't release, you can suffer from a heat stroke and I don't want my mate to end up in the hospital."

I looked down. Usually, I would throw myself at guys at like clubs and stuff. Now in front of Rafael, I'm really nervous. He's my mate.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I looked up at his face and nodded. I sighed and slipped off my shirt.

"Let's get this over with."


"So, what are we going to do with that wolf?" I asked Mitchell as we were eating breakfast.

"Probably kill him. But not too soon. Kelsey will get hurt if we kill him."

"Why would she get hurt?"

Mitchell sighed and set down his coffee mug.

"That wolf marked her, just like mates do. When they mark each other, or one of them marks the other, they share emotions and thoughts. Since Kelsey didn't mark him back, she can't feel what he's feeling, but he can feel what she's feeling."

"So, that's the only thing mates share? Thoughts and emotions?" I asked.

"No. When they mark each other, you have a much stronger bond to each other. They share DNA and their scents mingle. Also, after when the female is marked, she goes into heat. That's what Kelsey has now."

"What happens when you're in heat?"

"Your body needs a release. If not, it could damage your body."

"So, sexual release."

"Yes. And it's the time where most females get pregnant."

"Will Kelsey get pregnant?"

"I honestly don't know. But there is a big chance that she can be."

I sighed and looked down at my eggs. Kelsey was not the type of girl to have kid. She wants to live her life and do stuff she can do without a kid.

Then, a question hit me.

"When will you mark me?"

Mitchell tensed and swallowed his sip of coffee. "I don't know. It's too soon."

My heart hurt a little at that. I was hopeful that he'd say anytime. But apparently, it's too soon.

I stood up and went to go clean my plate. I heard a chair scrape the floor and arms wrap around me from behind.

"I didn't mean for it to come out that way," Mitchell said to me. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I understand," I told him.

I heard Mitchell sigh on my shoulder. "Marking somebody isn't that simple, Vanessa."

"That dude did it to Kelsey. He did it pretty easily."

"Yes, Vanessa, but she's not his mate. When mates mark each other, it's a little complicated."

"How? You just bite somebody on the neck."

"Vanessa...for mates, this has to happen during...intercourse."

I stiffened at that. Gosh. I feel so dumb now.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Mitchell. I shouldn't have-"

I heard his sexy laugh and he turned me around. "You were just curious, babe."

I smiled. "If you say so."

Mitchell leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"How about we go and take care of that man downstairs?" he asked.

"No! I don't want to see you kill him!"

"No, babe, we're just going to get some questions out of him. Alright?"

I nodded and sighed in relief.

Mitchell led me downstairs and I saw the Raul look-a-like in a cramped up cage. He looked like he was in pain and he kept scratching his throat.


Just with that one word, the dude's head snapped up and he growled really loudly. I flinched and hid behind Mitchell, like a coward.

"Where. Is. She? " the guy asked.

She? Wait, did he mean Kelsey? Duh, probably.

"Why do you want her?" I asked confidently.

The dude's eyes narrowed down at me and I stepped back. This dude was intimidating. So stupid of me to stand directly in front of the cage.

"Who are you? Where's the girl?" he asked, looking at both me and Mitchell.

"None of your concern," Mitchell told him.

"I bit her damn neck, of course it's my concern."

"Well, that mark is getting taken care of."

The dude growled again and he started shaking the bars, wanting to get out.

Ugh, don't like this dude. Wanting Kelsey and shit.


Guys, give me your kiks or emails, I just REALLY need a friend. You don't even know. Not a good chapter, I know. Homecoming on the 5th. Thank you @gordjac248 aka Jackie for being such a sweetheart to me and listening to me. Also thanks to @RoFont1 for talking to me like everyday and listening to me. Also to @Mascara because she cheers me up when I'm down and vice versa. @kate42000 for listening but she deleted her kik :( And @Rosada_Sky :) love you! Help me guys and feel free to look me up on Instagram and Kik!!!! Kelsey on the side --------->

<3 Lesley

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