Against All Odds- V

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Everyone visited the doctor one by one since all had minor injuries while fighting.

Only Ms was in icu and virat was also sleeping because of heavy medication.

Doctor came out from virat's room and went towards the team.

Ro: How's virat doctor?

Jinks: Nothing major happened right?

Dr: Mr. Kohli broke his wrist and he can't play cricke..

Harry: Nooooo... This can't happen. Virat won't be able to play cricket ever.

Jad: How will we break this news to him.

Jinks: How? I mean Sir can't you do something about this?

Ro: Exactly. How virat will live without playing cricket?

Dr: But who told you guys that he won't be able to play for next four months.

Ro: Ohh 😌.. Wait! What!? We have T20 world cup after two months.

Jinks: Let's not think about that right now. First deal with this. Let Mahi bhai and Vi recover then we will think about these.

Jassi: Aditya, Manjrekar and Geonka did so wrong to us.

Harry: Now it's our turn we must settle the scores with them.

Jinks: Please guys, I don't think that we should do something.

Jad: No ways Jinks. We must teach that trio a good lesson.

Jinks: Rohit! Why are you silent? Now you make them understand.

Ro: Umm.. Jinks... Actually.. Umm.. I kinda agree with them....

Jinks :Rohitttt!! I expected a better answer from you at least. Anyways it's futile to convince you guys, at least ask from bhai.

Jad: Pagal hai kya hum jo bhai se poochenge?

Harry: Exactly.. Bhai needs rest, we should handle this matter on our own without involving mahi bhai. We all should keep this secret.

Jinks didn't want to agree with this but they didn't leave any option for him.

Everyone looked at Jassi, who made a puppy face and said "You all know I can't lie and moreover I won't keep any secret from bhai."

Bhai ka chamcha, muttered Harry.

Jaddu was going to say something but doctor came out from ICU.

Everyone surrounded the doctor and was asking about MS's health.

Doctor : Don't worry, he is fine. Though he had many injuries but nothing major happened.

Ro: But bhai got unconscious while coming here.

Doctor: That's because of blood loss. We have taken out the bullet and thankfully it didn't do much damage.

Jinks: How much time it will take him to recover?

Doctor: The bruises will get better in 2-3 weeks while the bullet would take 5-7 weeks to get healed.

Harry: So can we go to mahi bhai now?

Doctor: Not now, but you can meet him after 3 hours.

Jinks: Thanks Doctor.

Jassi: Can we go to meet virat bhaiya?

Jad: Yeah, let's go there. I want some entertainment.

Jinks and Rohit rolled their eyes and went to virat's room.

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