Lost Connections-III

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Yuvi: You slapped me?!

I wanted to do this before but mahi bhai has stopped giving him his swear, said wrathful sonu. 

Everyone was taken aback seeing sonu bhai in this anger. He just slapped yuvi infront of everyone. The sonu bhai who never even talked rudely to anyone has just slapped someone. They actually wanted someone to knock some senses in yuvi. His choice of words for ms made everyone's blood boil. 

Jadeja was holding MS's hand as they were separating ms from yuvi's hold could sense MS's hand turning cold. He looked at MS's face which shown nothing but hurt. His eyes were teary as he was trying to hold tears. 

MS's pov

Was I that bad? Did I really caused so much trouble to yuvi? He had so much hatred in his heart for me but I couldn't see. Was I blinded by the success? Did I really failed papa's teaching? He asked me to always walk with holding everyone's hand and here I cut their hands. I think Yuvi is right I shouldn't have come near the ICT. But what I'm doing now? I should go far away from everyone or I'll end up hurting them too. 

Jaddu noticed MS's face and knew something was wrong. He really wanted to shout at yuvi for hurting his bhai. He signalled virat to look at Ms. 

Virat saw jaddu signaling him and looked at Ms only to got his heart broken and losing the last bit of sanity he had. Yuvi has crossed everyline today. And he realised how yuvi wished ms to not to come in ICT or the worst he should have d... Leave about saying virat can't even think about that word with mahi bhai in same line. 

Virat: Enough is enough. Bohot bol liya aapne aur bohot sunn liya humne. How can you utter these words for mahi bhai. Have you lost it? Please leave before we do something to you that would hurt our bhai. 

Yuvi: What do you guys think that I'll come and go in your words? And how dare you sonu saying that he raised his hands on sonu to hit but mahi held his hand before he could hurt sonu. 

Ms: YUVRAJ! You are crossing every limit today. First you hurt my kiddos and then your are raising your hands on my brother. 

MS's hold was tight. 

Yuvi : Leave me mahi. You are hurting me. 

MS : Not the first time right?  But definitely the last time. Aaj ke baad apni shakal tak nahi dikhaunga kisi ko. 


Virat: Yeh kya bol rhe hai aap? You are not going to anywhere. And for whom? This person? Who is he even? 

Jaddu: Exactly bhai, you can't punish us for some hypocrites. 

Yuvi: Excuse me? Who are you to even use such a words for me? Fools like you can't even win a wc for the country and raise voice against two times WC winner like me. 

Virat: He is the same who won Golden ball in CT which you could never win because mahi bhai was not with you. 

Yuvi : And how many trophies did you win with your Mahi bhai? 

Harry: We are not like you who says something on face and something behind the back. We never faked our love and respect for mahi bhai. The day we win any trophy we will dedicate it to our bhai. We are not ungrateful like you. 

Yuvi : Mind your language. Low class people like you shouldn't speak open his mouth in front a legend like me. 

Ms: Watch your words yuvraj. Otherwise I'll forget that we were friends once. You can say anything to me, I won't say a word but dare you cross your limits while talking to my kiddos. Apologize to Harry right away. Jad call kuli and tilli and ask them to come here. Don't tell anyone what's happening here just ask them to come once. 

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