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"Huh?" The man looked at the laying woman with a puzzled look. There was a clear fondness visible in his eyes for both the woman and her newborn child that she held in her arms while lying on the bed near the window. It wasn't a surprise, though. After all, those two were the most precious things in his life.

"Ashura or Ash in short. That's going to be the name of our son." She beamed with a child-like excitement. Sometimes, he wonders if she would ever act up as an actual grown-up.

"Ashura as in the demon Ashura from mythologies?" The man asked, confused by her odd choice of name.

"No, not that Ashura, silly! I am speaking about King Ashura otherwise known as one of the Seven Great Kings!" She replied enthusiastically. Seeing the unfamiliarity of that name in her beloved face, she sighed. He is supposed to be the one person who should know the most about their history, and yet here he was acting like a dummy. But at least he was her dummy.

"At ancient times, within the countless arcs of wars in a distant land in the attempt to gain power and wealth. There was a group of people that were speaking about a strange rumor. And, in the center of these rumors was a man."

"This man's face constantly changed. Sometimes, he was handsome and heroic. Sometimes, he was grim and fierce. Sometimes, he was ordinary and common, and sometimes, he was ugly and grotesque. There were even times when he appeared to be like a beautiful woman or even a wild Pokemon."

"But final appearance inclined to that of a young and handsome heroic youth with long black hairs handing to his knees. Throughout the countless arcs of war, suffering, and despair, he stood as the beckon of hope, ending the long overdue war. That was who Ashura King was and how our...Ashura is gonna be like, a king among kings. An emperor if you will." She exclaimed as she hugged her son with even more affectionately.

"Aren't you getting too ahead of yourself, we don't even know what he wants to become?" He asked, getting a little concerned.

"Aw, you overthink things way too much. A mother always knows what her child wants even if her child doesn't express it openly .........."

'Openly express it? For Arceus's sake, he isn't even a month old!' He thought with a large sweatdrop on his face. She, however, had no care in the world.

"But still isn't it a little too early for us to decide his future? Why don't we wait and see what he wants to become when he grows up."

"Come on, we both know what he would want to grow up. I am sure our son will be the greatest king ever. Even greater than the seven Great Kings."


"Look's like somebody is there." He muttered before speaking out loud. "Come in."

A man entered the room wearing a serious expression on his face. "We found it, the lab and those Pokemon eggs."

Suddenly, the once cheery environment turned serious. The man nodded as he wore his gloves and his scarf, knowing things were going to get ugly.

"I have to go take care. I will just go and return instantly." He said, kissing her forehead and their son. This was the part of his job he hated the most. It didn't matter if those people were scumbags that deserved to die, in his mind, if he couldn't give someone a life, then he certainly didn't have the right to take somebody's life either. But alas, he wasn't a hero or guardian but rather just someone who must keep the balance as he was entrusted to do.

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