CHAPTER 1: Onsided Defeat

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Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

There was fire everywhere.

I was surrounded by fire, as I alone stood on this burning land.

This familiar land, burned down into nothing but ashes, resembling that of a battlefield.

I felt horrible. I was scared. I was afraid. I was sad. I was angry. I was frustrated. I was confused.

I felt all kinds of emotions running across my body. I didn't understand anything. I couldn't understand why all of this happened. Why did so many people and Pokémon die? Why did we have to resort to so much violence.

Why, among all of the fallen corpses, I alone survived.

However, since I survived, I should live on. It's the least I could do to honour the fallen ones.

I started walking aimlessly, because I thought it would be dangerous just to stay there. I wasn't really concerned about getting burned up like the ones laying around me. Probably because, after enduring so much over and over again, I have a stronger will.

But still, I had no hope.

It was already a miracle I was still alive. But I had no hope that I would be saved.

I won't survive. It's impossible. Likes of me have no place in the outside world.

Whatever happens, I will never be able to escape from this crimson red world. It was an absolute hell that even a small child could understand.

Everything around me was burned up, and all I could see was many shrivelled blackened, unmoving people and Pokémon.

The dark clouds loomed overhead, indicating it would rain soon enough.

That's a relief. The fire will be put out once it rains

In the end, I felt horrible. I felt so selfish of myself, that I tried to patheticly cling to this worthless life of mine, when others around me had to face such a grim face.

That was ten years ago....Yes, despite everything, I was somehow saved.

My body survived. But aside from that, everything else...was burned away by that apocalyptic flames, burning up and reducing everything into ash.

It's a simple thing.

In order to let my body live..

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