CHAPTER 16: Return To Kanto

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"Do you have any idea how careless you were! That place is forbidden for anybody to enter! Were you so stupid that you couldn't even read the sign board!" Sonia exclaimed loudly, anger flashing through her eyes. Currently, they are back at her grandmother's research lab. The one who was the target of Sonia's lecture and anger was none other than Ash.

After Ash came out of the Slumbering Wield alongside Pikachu (Surprisingly enough, he didn't get lost). Sonia was furious about him. To Sonia, it was the second time he went straight into the mouth of danger. At first, it was by recklessly deciding to face up against those Dynamax Pokémons, and now carelessly entering the Slumbering Wield without thinking about the consequences.

"Uh-uh....Sorry...." Ash tried to apologise to her, however surprisingly the raven-haired failed to understand where he was wrong.

Sonia's forehead formed an irkmarked, knowing full well that in reality, Ash didn't feel any kind of guilt for his earlier reckless behaviour.

"You....brat.." Sonia muttered menacingly, scaring everyone that was younger than her.

"Now, now, Sonia, don't be too harsh on the child." Professor Magnolia remarked, being calmer than one would expect her to be.

"But gra-"

"Give the child a break. He must be pretty overwhelmed from being in the Slumbering Wield." Professor Magnolia remarked before eyeing Ash with an unsettling look on her face. "Besides, I am more curious about that........mysterious girl."

Ash's eyes widened. He didn't expect Professor Magnolia to be interested in that.

"Hey, totally! Like one second, she was in front of you, and the next second, she was behind you!" Hop exclaimed in amazement.

"Who was she, Ash?" Goh asked, worried and curious.

Normally, Ash would have happily answered them. But unfortunately for them, despite their curiosity, this was the worst time for them to question the raven- haired boy. There were simply too many thoughts running through Ash's head. So the fact that somebody asked him another question made Ash a little annoyed by the question. From his point of view, he had no obligation to answer them since this was his personal matter.

"Sorry......I can't answer that." Ash replied, deciding that the best course of action currently was to leave the room. Sonia tried to stop him.

"W-What? Hold on, what do you mean you can't just -"

Sonia freezed on the spot, and words no longer came out of her mouth. Ash looked straight into her eyes, and unknowingly, the hollow cold look of his eyes silenced her.

"I-It's just that there are too many things going on in my head, and I am really not in the mood to talk to anybody right now. I can't answer you guys right now. I will definitely answer you when I feel like it's the right time." Ash answered, walking out of the room without hearing Sonia's responses. Everybody was silent. Goh and Chloe felt sad about this development. For how cheerful and supportive he was, seeing him this troubled and puzzled was really sad.

"Goh, you wanted to learn more about Dynamaxing, right?" Professor Magnolia asked, trying to change the subject. Perhaps she overstepped her boundaries, she thought.

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