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1920 - speakeasy

Acadia was alone - she has been for a while.

She didn't stick around when she realised that the curse she was warned about as a child took her over, she didn't stay around and wait to see the horrors that would occur as time went by. Acadia said her goodbyes to her already damaged family and left to survive on her own.

And survive she did.

With each little trick she has learned from this... curse her rate of survival grew. Every year that went by was another lesson for the lone vampire - don't feed in public, don't attack in suspicious towns, don't tell anyone. Three rules easy to listen and understand that kept her alive.

She never put herself in the wrong crowds, she stayed away from anyone suspicious. Acadia stuck to rotting grimoires to try and bring back the piece of her mind that was missing, find the right spell and then find a witch. But it never worked - she never found what she was looking for.

And it sent her down a spiral.

The 1920s was a famous time for many people. Mostly vampires. Chicago was vastly hit by a certain someone, and it caused people to be on edge. Businesses were closed at certain times, people didn't walk out in scary areas or at night. Except for one speakeasy prone to a certain creature.

Everyone dressed in feathers and pearls, curled hair and gorgeous dresses. Men in their suits with their perfectly combed hair as beautiful music fills the air. It's why Acadia loved the place, because although she turned it off... her humanity, it gave her some sort of feeling to hear the blissful sounds.

So there she sat, sipping on her champagne as she listened to Gloria's beautiful voice. It was hard to keep close detail when a group of men were laughing as loud as they could at the bar.

Maybe she could just snap their necks and solve the problem at hand.

But, of course, Acadia didn't do that. Couldn't do that. So she didn't. She stayed alone at her little booth, refusing dances upon dances and she waited to find the perfect prey. She scoured the place closely and stopped at a group of people in front of her eyeline.

Acadia couldn't believe it.

A man she didn't recognise... hanging around with two very familiar people. 1844 went straight back to her head, the way her father housed a rich family. The Mikaelson family. And here they were after nearly 80 years, making a man drink his wife's blood.

"Now that looks like fun."

And fun it was.

She walked over, her heels clacking against the floor as she brushed past dancing couples. Neither of the three people looked up, not a single one. Until they heard a pair of heels, sensed a present, yet no beating heart. Klaus looked up at and shock ran past his eyes before he smirked.

"Rebekah," he called. "Look who it is."

Acadia raised her brows at the man and grinned. "My old friend..." she hummed. "How long has it been?"

"Too long, I believe." Rebekah added with a sweet smile. "Come. Join us."

Acadia looked down at the wife with an intimidating grin and quick enough, she left. "So, who's this?" She asked, pointing at the man with the funny hair. "Looks familiar."

"Stefan Salvatore." Klaus said. "Our new close friend. We indulge in his ways to have fun..." His eyes averted to the man who was crying as he was forced to drink his own wife's blood from a glass.

"My, looks like great fun." Acadia admitted.

It was strange, being with the Mikaelsons again after not even seeing a single vampire in a long time. It was shocking, and wonderful, that the first group of vampires she has met was the first group that made her the way she is.

A whole circle.

"How long have you been here?" Rebekah asked, her chin in her hand. "I wonder how quick I could see you if we knew you was here."

Acadia smiled, "I'm practically a new arrival." The woman has been travelling the states, going around the coast and the large growing cities. "But, there was talk about a ripper. So I thought I'd come and see what all the fuss is about."

Stefan looked down at his drink. Not in a shy way, or a guilty way, but he looked down to watch the liquid swirl around in his glass. "And I'm guessing that's you." Acadia pointed at Stefan and he looked up with a confident smile.

"You got me." He joked, Klaus chuckling as he grasped on to Stefans shoulder. Stefan understood the cue and got up and asked Rebekah to dance. She accepted and the two walked off.

Acadia's eyes followed the pair until they were on the dance floor before looking at Klaus. He had a strict gaze on his face, not sinister but protective and curious. "What are you really doing here?"

"Don't ridicule me, Klaus. I didn't come here in hopes to find the family that turned me." Acadia sighed and sipped on her drink. "I came here to have fun, to enjoy my time in Chicago."

Klaus narrowed his eyes at the woman. "I remember when you was this... naive and weak shell of a woman."

Acadia looked at him with a sneer. "I was never weak, Klaus."

The man smirked and wrapped his hand around the glass. "Perhaps. But you were extremely naive."

"Just because I didn't want to accept the truth about my family, does not mean I am naive. From what I heard, you're the one who keeps your siblings dead in a coffin."

Klaus raised his brows at the woman. "You know a lot about a family you don't care for."

"Oh, give it a rest, Klaus!" She sounded exasperated now, simply fed up. "Just because I didn't come to Chicago in hopes to see you, doesn't mean I don't care for you." Acadia looked over at the dance floor to look at Stefan and Rebekah. "So, you like him?"

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't ripped his head off... just yet." She could remember when the Mikaelson family would go into town and Rebekah would get approached by many suitors. Klaus never approved.

Klaus smirked at that. "Yet." He reminded. "He has wicked ways of having fun..."

"I did see."

"So now you must understand why he's a friend." Acadia looked down at her drink. "Like you are to me."

She sent a small smile but stayed to herself. She didn't want to believe that, didn't want to open herself up to people. Acadia swore never to do such a thing, but it's hard when you have an unfathomable bond with the family who taught you how to live.

She didn't want to, she couldn't. Opening herself up again - she didn't want to get hurt. However, it's extremely hard to stand by their words when the Mikaelson's are known to be very persuasive. It's how Acadia found herself, nearly 90 years later, in the same speakeasy with the same singing woman, and with the all the same Salvatore and Mikaelson brother.

authors note:

heyy... been a while. oops sorry x

this isn't the best chapter by far, but it's like a filler to enter the actual tvd episodes. so, there is a big time jump but it's all worth it hopefully... fingers crossed

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