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Music echoed through the dark garden that spilled out of the light home into the abyss, to shadow around the whispering adults and to create an undertone of comfort. Amber eyes teased with the light that blared in front of them, creating a deep and memorable contrast of honey-coloured irises and a golden flame that roared in front of their protected bodies.

His sharp and narrowed-shaped eyes never lifted from her face. Deep in colour yet held a rich, gentle gaze. Sometimes he'd look down at her impeccable features, how the bridge of her nose pulled down in a straight line before tilting upwards at the tip. How her reddened lips dulled in colour yet stayed rich in form and texture. Despite the very short time they held together, they didn't separate. Acadia wanted to be rattled with everything that has been going on - soulmates, vampires - but she couldn't. Kol was a force that she never knew she needed but now he was here, she wasn't sure she could let go.

The two sat together on the bench that mirrored the large pond and the beautiful rose bushes that lined the gravel path. Kol's finger was tracing her hand with deep thought and Acadia sat there with a smile.

"You're not married." He spoke.

Acadia looked up at him, as did he, and they shared a gentle grin. "I'm not. My father didn't agree with the many propositions I was handed." Kol seemed to smirk at her words. "And I was too busy with my education to even desire such a person."

Kol sighed in content as he dragged his fingertips to take hold of shoulders, pulling her into his side. "Well, I'm glad that nature is on my side."

"No God?"

The man really wanted to scoff, maybe laugh, anything to project his beliefs around the subject. Kol didn't believe in God. Of course he didn't. But he believed strongly in nature, how everything must have balance. It differentiated him from his siblings because they never had that taste of power - a magical force that only brought a thirsty rush and a joyous thrill.

"No God." Kol dragged his hand down her arm, resting just across her wrist. "Only nature."

Acadia could understand that — she did understand that. It wasn't to a supernatural degree like Kol and many other witches, but it was an understanding that nature was a much more powerful force than a man who you couldn't see.

"How long will you and your family stay with mine?" Her voice was soft and carefree, at this point just spitting out whatever came to mind.

Kol chuckled. "Already want to be rid of me?" Acadia gasped humorously and turned in his hold. His hands went to keep a steady hold on her waist as she reached over to tangle her fingertips into his hair. "You don't seem like you want me to go, darling."

She rolled her eyes and dramatically tapped his chest. "Don't be ridiculous! Of course I don't want you to go!" Her laughter was rash and bumpy, opposite to her sugar coated words. As soon as the noise slipped from her mouth, she leaned back from Kol and covered her mouth with wide eyes. "Oh my, I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Acadia nodded. She grew up with Odette teaching her the 'lady-like' ways of everything there was. How to laugh, how to act, when to speak. She had to train her laughter into a snooty, posh sound that seemed to flow well to the eye yet didn't fit her own person. Kol laughed at her reaction and reached forward to hold her cheek. "Darling, there is no need to apologise. You have a beautiful laugh."

Acadia snorted but then realised the sound she just made and went wide eyed again. Kol just began to laugh into heavy fits of low chuckles. "Oh my, Miss. Hemming. Very unladylike of you."

The woman wanted to fire back with something, but she couldn't think of what to say. His larger hand was pressed to her cheek and his thumb was caressing her cheek bone and all she could do was sit beside him with such a comforting gaze that made Kol feel warm inside - made him feel important.

"Kol," it was barely a whisper but he heard it and suddenly felt a wave of uncomfort rush over, making the man quickly drop his hand from her face. But, before he could get too far, her smaller hand grasped his and returned it back to the spot on her cheek. At first, he was confused but then a toothy smile formed on her face and all his worries dissipated.

"Why does this feel normal?" Kol grew confused, evident through his furrowed brows. "It feels like I have known you for the entirety of my life. The serenity is... it's scary. Shouldn't I be afraid? Horrified?"

Kol didn't understand her worries, maybe it was because he was already whole ever since he found Acadia. He wasn't the favourite child, he wasn't anything when it came to his family. Kol assumed the only reason he had a 'soulmate' was because his mother felt sorrow, understanding the pain and horror it is to lose your magic. Maybe that's why the universe decided that he of all people deserves someone as perfect as Acadia Hemming.

Alternatively, Acadia was stuck. Kol was this mysterious force who spilled his life story in the first few hours of knowing each other. Acadia was aware that all supernatural beings she believed were fiction had come true and she reacted and responded with an effortless shrug. No shock, no screams, no running - she was carefree. It was weird, it was strange, her reaction should've been more powerful and shocking not dull and calm.

Comforting eyes locked with Acadia's and her once strong worries began to dwell away — odd that they had this effect on each other so soon. "My darling, perhaps you already knew deep down, that this magical barrier existed."

Acadia smiled softly, mostly to herself. "Perhaps."

The silence loomed over the pair, the distant music echoing through the garden as the moon glistened down on the pond a few feet away from them. Comfort, it was the only thing the pair felt for the time being. A type of comfort Acadia could sense having for the rest of her living days.

"Will you have to turn me? In time?"

Kol's head turned around at an alarming rate. "Pardon?"

"You're a vampire, Kol. I'm human." Still, the man was looking at her with confusion on how that would be a problem. "You claim that I am your partner, yet there's already a limiting factor in this... partnership. I will age."

And Kol knew she was right, but he decided to not fret, not stress, not worry and face the problem when it becomes exactly that - a problem. "Don't fret, darling. Time is still here."

"For now."

Kol laughed and slowly grasped her empty hand, holding it tight to his chest. "You are so dramatic." Acadia tried to conceal her smile all until Kol lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to the knuckles. "Becoming something like me is a curse, darling. I cannot let you deal with that."

"A curse, maybe." She started, unraveling her hands from his hold to place them against his smooth jaw. "A curse I am willing to suffer with as long as I am with you."

"As long as I am with you," Kol exhaled. "You have a way of winning a man's heart."

"Oh, Kol. I did that when you first laid eyes on me."

She was right, of course she was. Kol has never seen anyone so beautiful, ethereal if you must, until her. "Yes, you did. You got me from the start, and now until the end."

"Until the end."

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs ɴᴏᴛᴇ:
i said i'm rewriting this book to which i am but i genuinely just love the mystic falls/new orleans era so i'm speeding through this for a reason

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