Anywhere But Home is now on KOBO!

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Hello, my friends!

How are you all doing? I hope that you're well :)

Just passing by to let you know that after a lot of thinking, I decided to take Anywhere But Home from Wattpad and place it on Kobo. 

Here will stay available the prologue and the first five chapters.

For years, the book was here for free, for you all to read. I wish the opportunities where on Wattpad were better for us writers, because my true wish would be to leave the book here, forever. 

Oh well, maybe one day I'll return. 

Anywhere But Home is available to pre-order and will be launched in Kobo on the 15th of June.

 Please please, if you have Kobo and want to read my book again (or for the first time) and support my writing, you can purchase the book there (the pricing isn't high, promise). It would truly help me. 

I left the link to the book right below, so check it out :)

Take care, my friends. 


Anywhere But Home {Available on KOBO}Where stories live. Discover now