𝕮⃟Hapter 11-12

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𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:Interstellar Cute Little Husband


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"Ding, the trigger condition has been met, and the system is starting up! "Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." A cold, mechanized voice sounded in Mu Yan's mind, which startled Mu Yan.

"What?"   Mu Yan asked in shock.

He still remembered that there were two children present, so he managed to keep himself from screaming out of fright for fear of frightening Haohao and Yingying, but there was still a frightened expression on his face.

"Brother Yan, are you alright?" Yang Yinghao frowned as he looked at the frightened Mu Yan.

Mu Yan forced himself to smile and said, "Brother is fine; first you take your sister to play nearly to my place, and brother will be fine soon."

Yang Yingying is not as careful as her elder brother. Children of this age are very active, and this is a rare time to come out to play, so I can't wait to have fun. I will go see the wild flowers for a while and touch them in surprise for a while. Touching the trees is a joy to do.

After coaxing the two children, Mu Yan put his mind on the so-called system.

"I'm not a thing; I'm a food system." It has been detected that there is a serious shortage of food in this world. In order to popularize and carry forward the food culture, I have chosen you to be my host. "Let us work together to spread the food culture to the whole world, so that these poor people can feel the charm of delicious food too!” The system no longer had the cold, mechanized voice of the beginning but was full of emotion, ambition, and high spirits.

"Gourmet system?"   Mu Yan's mood had stabilized a little, probably because he realized that this so-called system would not hurt him, so his reaction was not as big as before.

As for why a system suddenly appeared in his mind, Mu Yan was not surprised. After all, he can come to a completely strange world from his own world, so he can accept some extraordinary things. up.

"Yes, there are only tasteless nutritional supplements and nutritional powders that can be eaten in this world. It is simply too barren. The human beings here are really pitiful. They can't enjoy so many delicious things. It's really boring to live." The system responded pitifully.

Mu Yan nodded quietly. In this aspect, he also recognized the system. It is a great pity in life not to be able to eat so many delicious things.

"So, the existence of our food system is to allow people in the world without food culture to eat rich and delicious things so that their lives will be richer." The system is full of passion, and if there is an entity, it must have clenched fists, its head held high, and be full of fighting spirit.

The purpose of the system coincides with Mu Yan's, but Mu Yan doesn't have such great ambitions; he just wants to plant something himself to repay Aunt Lin Yang and the enthusiastic villagers in the village, and he doesn't care about it. He didn't think about spreading it to the whole world, and he couldn't do it himself.

The system seemed to know what Mu Yan was thinking and said, "So I chose you and me to achieve this great goal together."

"But... I know only a few kinds of wild vegetables and grains. It is not certain whether there is one in this world. "How can it be realized?" Mu Yan asked about his own doubts.

"It's no problem." You just need to do what I said. The system can be upgraded. After each level up, there will be a recipe or seed. After level ten, farms and pastures will be opened. "Sometimes it can be planted in the system," said the system.

Mu Yan's eyes widened slightly, and he was very surprised. He didn't expect the system to have such a magical existence, and his impression of the system changed immediately.

"You are amazing." Mu Yan couldn't help but praise, with admiration shining in his eyes.

The system's admiration for Mu Yan was very beneficial, and he puffed up his chest even more and said proudly: "This is just the most basic; as long as you work hard, you can also get a chance to draw a lottery, and the rewards in it are rich." These are all good things for you.


𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗘:Interstellar Cute Little Husband


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Mu Yan’s favorability for this system immediately increased. He thought this system was amazing. For a brother (ger) who only lived in a small village with limited information and outdated tools, he had seen too little of the world. Yes, so when encountering such a miraculous existence beyond imagination, in Mu Yan’s heart, it was as if he had seen a god; how could he not worship?
The food system can peek into the host’s inner thoughts to a certain extent. At this moment, the food system is even more proud when it hears Mu Yan’s voice. If the system has an entity, it will definitely be able to see his proud little expression.
“I am an existence from a higher plane.” “As long as you do what I say, you will definitely be able to make a lot of delicious food and make people in this world worship you.” The system continued.
“What’s your name?” Mu Yan suddenly ask the system this question yet the system didn’t answer.
The system that originally wanted to boast more about itself and make the host admire itself more was suddenly stuck by Mu Yan’s question, and the words that were about to be exported were abruptly held back. Fortunately, the system did not show a real body; otherwise, his face would definitely be flushed red.
“My name is No. 5, and I am the fifth system to be created.” “The other systems are not as powerful as mine.” The system was introduced narcissistically. “Although there are four in front of me, they are all incomplete systems.” “Only I am the most perfect.”
If Mu Yan could look up at this moment, he would be able to see the guilty expression on the face of the system itself in the void; obviously, the facts did not match what he said.
But Mu Yan didn’t see it, but he was very supportive and said with sincerity on his face, “You are really amazing.”
Seeing the support of the host he chose, No. 5 felt even more proud. This is the host he chose, and it really is the best.
He had heard before that the hosts chosen by the other systems didn’t believe them at first; hmph, as expected, he was the best.
Number five slowly flew in front of Mu Yan and finally revealed its real body in front of him.
Mu Yan looked at the round, fluffy, snow-white ball that suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise and couldn’t help poking it with his little finger.
“Don’t poke it; it will break it.” Number five twisted her chubby body to avoid the host’s naughty little hand.
“Are you number five?” “It looks like a fur ball.” Mu Yan looked at number five and said subconsciously.
“You are the furball, and your whole family is a furball.” No. 5 became furious when he heard this, and the hairs all over his body stood up, more like a big furball that was blown up suddenly.
He doesn't like to hear others say that he is a hairball. This body is so cute. After he chose such a body, those abominable guys laughed at him every day for being a hairball. Wouldn’t he have a rounder body? The legs and feet may be shorter, but the fact that they are legs and feet cannot be denied.
As if to prove himself, No. 5 tried his best to stretch out the legs and feet covered by the plush and said angrily, “See, I also have legs and feet.” “Does a furball have legs?”
Mu Yan looked at the legs and feet that were so short that they could almost be ignored and looked at the hairy No. 5. He suddenly felt that what he said just now was disrespectful and very bad, so he apologized to No. 5 very seriously.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t notice it just now, and I won’t in the future.” Mu Yan said
No. 5 was stunned. This was the first person who apologized to him for such a thing. He really deserved to be the host he chose.
Number five’s mood immediately became good.
“Since you have apologized, then I will not care about you.” Number five said it arrogantly.
Mu Yan also smiled and was not unhappy because of No. 5’s arrogance.

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