Chapter 72

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A looooong wait for a not-so-long update. 

I've had a great graduation time tho. There will be pictures at the A/N at the end. 

TW for threats of sexual violence, gunviolence, blood/gore-ish, and death in this chapter.

Love yous, see ya at the A/N!


Each breath was a struggle more than the last. Sharp pains echoed in my chest with each breath, making me curl up around myself. The pain in my face I couldn't do much about, aside from not laying on my stomach, as tempting as it was to get some sort of dignity.

Twelve times. Since they'd cut off my shirt, someone had come up and groped me, or twisted my nippled or poked my breasts. Twelve times. Like disgusting, sociopathic pubescent boys.

Oh, and I was hungry. I wasn't exactly sure for how long they'd driven me yesterday. After the taser in the parking garage, things had gone dark for a while. I'd woken up a little bit when I'd been thrown into the snow. All I'd been able to do was cry, fear rattling through my body with the belief that they'd thrown me somewhere to die of hypothermia to only be found in the spring when the snow melted away.

Then I'd been yanked into relative warmth, but darkness. The complete darkness of a trunk in which I was thrown around, getting beaten and bruised thanks to erratic driving. And now I was here, in this shut-down storage and packing facility.

The worst part was when they got close. They circled me, walking close to me, occasionally taking sharp turns and walking quickly and determined towards me, before changing their course. Psychological torture, obviously. Keeping me on edge and terrified until I'd go nuts without them even really doing anything.

Worst part was that it was working very effectively. Because every time they did get close, I winced, I prepared for impact, I pressed my legs together as hard as I could. And then they'd turn around with a laugh - and maybe a grope of a tit for good measure.

As a result, I was a shivering, curled up wreck of a person laying on the cardboard in wet clothes.

I'd lost my ability to hold water half an hour ago. It'd built up too long, and had begun to hurt. So against my will, it was released. Que humiliation tactics and shaming from my captors.

I wanted my Allen, more than anything in the world. I wasn't sure wether the video had been sent, and if it had, if it had been good enough quality to read my lips, or if anyone was able to read my lips, or even if the bit of the video in which Alpha Charles got all up in my face had made it to the final cut- although I suspected it had, considering that the entire purpose of it was to torture Allen.

Now all I could do was wait - and hope that I didn't get killed before there was a chance for Allen to get here. As well as hoping that if I died, if they did kill me, that it wouldn't be Allen who would find me. I can't even begin to think of what he'd do to himself and those around him if he managed to get here only to find me dead.


A shiver moved down my back at the thought. There hadn't been any religion in my household growing up, and I'd been around 8 when I was first introduced to the concept of 'heaven' and 'hell'. It had seemed horrifying that doing one bad thing or believing in the wrong or no god at all could land you in fire and brimstone for the rest of eternity. My mom had then had a very stern talk with my religion class teacher- said teacher had during the following class then explained that since no one knows which religion is right, that might as well mean that all of the religions were entirely made up and there was no reason to take any of it serious unless you wanted to.

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