Chapter 26

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WARNING: this is... poorly edited and just crappy writing okay. And also fluff. There's fluff.

My phone vibrated on the coffee table. I picked it up, the message lighting up the screen.

*Ember: You still coming over for a sleepover tomorrow? Or are you sick?*

I smiled and was just about to tab out the next message when the wonderful scent of tomatoes, garlic, and spices hit my nose. "What are you making?!"  yelled at the door, knowing perfectly well that Allen could easily hear me.

"Spaghetti with meatballs! And ice cream for dessert!" I smiled. I love ice cream.

My attention returned to my phone.

*Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'll be sleeping over tomorrow, but... I'll just need to double-check*

And as if summoned, Allen appeared in the doorway to the living room, heading for the spot next to me, and handing me a plate. "Here you go, Love,"

"Thanks," I wrapped some spaghetti around my fork and brought it up to my mouth, the taste dumbing my brain for several seconds. When I finally opened my eyes Allen was looking at me with a warm curiosity in his eyes. I pointed at my food with the fork. "This is bloody great,"

"Glad you like it. Wanna watch a movie while we eat?" he picked up the remote, already ready to turn on the tv.

I nodded silently, my mouth full of delicious spaghetti. "What's your favorite Disney movie?"

I slurped down the pasta in my mouth. "Tangled," I choked out. "I've only seen it once, but I just remember loving it,"

Allen nodded once with a smile and clicked into Disney+. "Tangled it is then... It's uh... one of my favorites too..." his voice faded to a whisper. "It's because of my sisters you know. They watched it all the time so it's just a childhood memory thing..." I laughed. He's adorable.

I nudged his arm carefully, being sure that he wouldn't spill any food onto his couch. "Don't worry, Alpha Allen, your secret love for princess movies will be safe with me." I sent him the most innocent smile I could manage.

He pursed his lips with evil in his eyes, before rolling them and shaking his head, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. My fork paused for a second in the air, before I started eating again- the warmth from his arm was nice, anyway.

"I was just wondering... is it still alright that I, uh... sleepover at Embers place?"

"Sure- Love, you're not a prisoner, you can sleepover at a friends house whenever you want, as long as the person is a woman or a gay guy,"

I raised my eyebrows. "Ember's gay,"

He tugged me a bit closer to his side. "It's different, she's got a mate. And I also highly doubt that her mate will let the two of you out of her sight the entire evening- seriously, don't... look at Ember's ass or anything like that, her mate will most certainly flip the fuck out," he smiled, looking both amused and slightly worried at the same time.

I raised my eyebrow. "And you know this... how?" I laid my head to the side.

The smile stretched into a stupid ass grin. "Because if I caught anyone checking out your ass, I'd rip off their arm, and then use the ripped off arm to beat them, and at last, make their own hand strangle them,"

I gave him a deadpan stare, using my free hand to point my index finger at him. "You, my good sir, are a bloody psychopath,"

He shrugged, pulling me even closer. "Nah, I'm just a wolf with a mate- this is... pretty common. Once, my dad broke the jaw of a guy who was looking a little too interested in my mom," the stupid ass grin got a little wider.

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