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He sighed and glanced out of the window, taking a sip of the glass in his hands, enjoying the burn of the golden liquid as it traveled down his throat.

Lately, it had been one of the only things he enjoyed.

Along with one other thing.

He looked over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps, to the beautiful blonde, whose naked body was only hidden by one of his own shirts. The one he had ripped off last night, to be precise.

She sent him a smug grin before slowly walking closer, grabbing his shoulders with her soft hands, and burying her face carefully in his shoulder, muttering into his shoulder if he was coming back to the bedroom.

"Just another minute, you go ahead and wait for me," he whispered, stroking her hair. She sent him a smile before strutting out of the room, once again leaving him alone.

He felt the annoying pounding in the back of his head. He hated the kind of women who didn't understand the meaning of a one night stand; you talk, you drink, you fuck, you leave as soon as you wake up.

"So simple, and yet she still doesn't understand." He whispered to himself, bottoming the last of his scotch. Well, at least he could get a quick morning ride before she would hopefully leave him alone.

'What a lonely existence,' he thought, once again focusing back on the window, the lake gleaming in the early lights from dawn. He let his eyes travel along the shore of the lake, wherein the distance he could see four people walking around, two small children bending down, stuffing their hands into the sand. Maybe they were searching for particularly pretty pebbles and stones, just like he himself had done as a pup.

Perhaps they were mates, the couple with the children. Two parts of a whole, that when put together end up in happiness, harmony and... love. He shifted his weight and reached out for the rest of the bottle and poured another glass. Just make the feeling go away.

Tears wettened his eyes for a short moment before he blinked them away. He couldn't possibly understand. He had never done anything wrong. Never hurt another person -not one that didn't deserve it anyways. He had done his best, his very best, every single day to fulfill his role of Alpha. Hadn't he worked enough now? Hadn't he earned it? A mate, sweet and kind, to hold close, to protect... to love?

He had a hard time understanding the fairness in that.

A whining complaint sounded from the bedroom, and he rolled his eyes. Women, usually beautiful and very much lovely creatures, but occasionally...

He growled, before setting down his glass down hard, a small crack traveling through the glass at the impact with the table, some whiskey running out from it. He rolled his eyes. He'd have to wipe it up later.

He walked towards the bedroom, pulling off the t-shirt he had put one when he had woken up that morning, dumping it on the floor. He needed a bit of distraction from the empty pain in his chest, and the mating ball he was hosting, which he had been dreading for the past six months. He had always hated having to be the host of pointless arrangements, Christmas parties, mating balls and alpha meetings alike. They were so ridiculously pointless.

Well, no matter how much the dreaded mating ball sucked, ms Blonde D-Cup was his perfect distraction. Especially since she was a human. They were... softer, in a sense. And their nails less sharp... at the very least, he was yet to be with a woman who actually drew blood.

He thought back to the night, the woman's piercing screams hurting his ears. He gritted his teeth at the thought... but yet again, her high-pitched moans had to be a sign he was doing something right.

With a little smile, his eyes dark, he began working to unbuckle his belt and join the young woman splayed on his bed.


Hello, my deary darlings!

I've been reading a few werewolf stories lately, so now I got a little inspiration. 'Alpha James' is still on hold, as I have not yet figured out a way to continue from the last chapter, however, I felt the urge to write a bit again, this time on a new story!

I hope you'll welcome my characters into your hearts as the story progresses, and I hope you enjoy my writing! I am not a natural English speaker, so I might mess up my wording a bit, feel free to leave a polite comment if I make a mistake!

I'll update when I want to because I believe one of the things that made me lose the want and drive for writing was the deadlines. I'll try to keep the drive going but damnit I have soooo many ideas for so many different stories that I almost can't focus one; -D

Well, enjoy reading, please press the little star and leave a comment! <3

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