3 | Bruises?

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I slept very long because when i looked at my clock it was 11am. I normally don't sleep this long but we went home late yesterday.

I grabbed some new clothes and walked in my bathroom and took a shower. After the shower i did my skin care and put my hair in a dutt.

Walking downstairs i already heard voices. I heard kai and a voice i didn't know so well.

I went into the kitchen not checking who was with kai because i didn't really care. His friends are over like everyday.

I took some cereals and went to the livingroom room too, where kai was. I was standing there and just looked at kai and..


„Oh, hey gavi", i greeted him.

„Morning kiana, right?", he replied.

I just nodded and sat on the couch.

„So you guys know each other?", kai asked.

„Met him yesterday", i said and gavi nodded.

„Yeah about yesterday, how was it? Watching your first game", kai asked the next question.

„I was actually enjoying it", i said proud.

„Really?", kai said in disbelieve.

„Yeah, they played amazing"

Gavi just smiled and didn't say anything.

„Its literally 12am, what are you doing this early here?", i asked gavi.

„Your brother wanted me to come over", gavi answered.

„Mhm", i said while eating my cereal.

We heard noises from the stairs and i guess it was Luca. I have to talk with him today.

„Good morning luc", i said.

„Morning kia, wait is that gavi?", he said rubbing his eyes.

„Hey buddy!", gavi stood up.

He gave him a high five and then they both went into the kitchen.

„Kai, i have a problem", i said in silent.

„What's up?"

„Luca asked me about the bruises"

„What? How?"

I showed him the bruises and his jaw dropped just the next second.

„Holly, i would've asked you too if i would see this"

„How do i explain him?"

Gavis POV:

I went into the kitchen with Luca because he wanted me to join him. While he was making himself cereal i listened to the conversation of kai and kiana. They talked about bruises?

Which bruises? And what does she want to explain to Luca?

I dont understand.

„Lets go back to them", Luca said.

„Yeah sure", i replied.

We went back and sat on the Couch.

„Luca", Kiana said.

„Yes?", he replied.

„Can we go to the pool for a minute?"

„Uhm, yeah?"

She then smiled and they both stood up and went out.

„Whats going on mate?", i asked.

„What do you mean?", he said confused.

Bruises? Explain what to Luca?", i said curious.

„Were you listening to our conversation?"

„Yes, but just because i heard the word ‚bruises', im not a stalker or something but im a bit worried"

„maybe you should ask her yourself Gavi"


I was worried because she is a very smart and gorgeous girl and i knew it the moment she shook my hand and smiled at me. My first thought was in that moment, this girl is so pretty.

Kianas POV:

I went out with Luca to clear things up.

„Whats up?", Luca asked.

„Where did you got the thought that dad did this to me? Luca don't say that, he's your father"

„And so he's yours!"

„Yes, but it doesn't give you the right to make dad responsible for my bruises"

„But i know he did it and i hate him for that. Why would he hit you Kiana?"

„Luca, stop!"

„No! I don't understand"

„And you're to young to understand! Please just appreciate having a dad Luca. Don't hate him for something he didn't do"

I know i shouldn't lie, but how i said, he is to young to hate his dad and i don't want this. Mostly of the bruises are from my dad, yes. But some are from my old abusive ex boyfriend. I didn't had a good past with boys and that stuff.

„Okay, im sorry Kiana. I just don't want that people hurt you"

„They wont anymore, i promise"

He hugged me and i hugged him back. He's so sweet but so annoying, but he still has the best and caring character.

We went back in and i went up to my room. It was a very sunny day, so i decided to go to my favourite café in the center of Barcelona.

I packed my purse and went downstairs to put my shoes on.

„Bye, see you guys later", i shouted.

„Hold on, where are you going?", Kai asked.


„Alright, see you later"

I closed the door and made my way to the café.

3. Chapter🥀

I dont know what to think about this chapter so im always happy about your thoughts.

I appreciate tips and wishes too!

If you have any wishes, let me know!

Thank you for reading, i love ya


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