33 | im Jack Hernandez

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while ciara stormed out of the room we all turned to kai and waited for an explication.

„what happened?", pedri asked.

„she's being a bitch", kai answered.

„what did she say?", i now asked him.

„she asked when we can go home because you're awake and look healthy", he told us.


„you're lying", aleyna said in disbelief.

„i wish, i don't even know how i always find this kind of women", he laughed.

„honestly, me too", pablo started to laugh.

now we all did.


an hour passed by, mostly with aleyna and i talking and getting to know each other better.

and thats when the nurse came back in.

„you're free to go home", she smiled at me.

we started packing my things.

pablo helped me to walk to the car. Aleyna and i at the back and pedri and gavi at the front.

kai was with his own car.

before he left he said he would break up with ciara, because she was just being weird, dramatic and her behaviour is to much for him.


„finally at home", i said letting myself sink into our couch.

„im happy ur finally free", pablo said sitting next to me and starting to stroke my hair.

aleyna and pedri went home, they wanted to come to dinner again, so we can spend some time together.

Pablo kept stroking my hair until someone was knocking on the door.

„who's that?", i said wanting to get up but pablo already did.

„i'll get it", he stood up.

he went to the door and started to talk to someone.

Gavis POV:

I went to the door and opened it, there i saw a tall man standing infront of me.

he was maybe a whole head taller than me and was black haired, he seemed old.

„Bon dia, im Jack Hernandez", he introduced himself.

Hernandez? Jack?


Bon dia mr hernandez, how can i help you?", i asked him.

„My son and my daughter live here, are they at home?"

„no-", i wanted to say but someone interrupted me.

„Jack?", Kiana came behind me.

„Oh my daughter, how are you feeling", he wanted to hug her but than kai came.

„no, don't touch her", he said putting his hand on his chest to stop him.

„excuse me? i'm your father", he raised his voice.

„what do you want?", kai asked harshly.

„visit my children", their father smiled.

i looked at kiana which started to shake.

i pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her.

she thankfully smiled at me, but still didn't stop shaking.

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